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  1. Thanks for replying. I have to beat competence, how much $ should I sell it? 20$ is cheap enough?
  2. Hello guys I just wanted to know how much does this acc would cost? * All free quests done even dragon slayer * 60 atk 60 str 60 def 48 prayer 60 range 60 magic and 60 hp I'm going to sell it in other website so I'd like to know how much could it worth? I was checking the prices in the website and only an acc with 60/60/60 melee costs 12.5-15 $ so I'd like to know how much could this worth if I have done all free quests plus prayer stats range and magic. Thanks all!
  3. Hello, I'd like a trial
  4. Range 70 Magic 70 HP 70 low cmb level.
  5. Yeah I have the same problem it doesnt run, I start it and dont do anything, would you fix it?
  6. Anyone can help me how do I run a unofficial script? I just download it and click it and nothing, it's a executable jar file but it doesnt run or start
  7. I just check and get banned man, wtf, to my main account no fucking way I spent like 1 month to level it up dude, this sucks now what? I need at least some gold to buy my bond and start all over with other acc to make implings or chins u.u [INFO][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:07 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of break condition! [INFO][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:07 AM]: Antiban code 10 [INFO][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:44 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [WARN][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [ERROR][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor [ERROR][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [DEBUG][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Login Code: 4 [ERROR][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Your account has been disabled, stopping script. [INFO][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Terminating script Molly's Orber... [INFO][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Script Molly's Orber has exited! [INFO][Bot #1][10/17 09:04:59 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
  8. You mean the Void set wich requires 42 level at atk, str, def and range? Ye I have to do the Pest Control to get it, gonna go for it.
  9. Thanks a lot people! Gonna watch YouTube.
  10. I was looking this one from Fruity thread, the one you show me I think is too expensive I cant afford it Maybe less than 10m? Can you tell me the exact names of theses down here? Btw can you tell me the stats you have to make Zulrah?
  11. I want to make Zulrah but I dont know the setup I need to do it, also I'd like to know what do I need in my inventory too, so if you tell me the exactly names to buy the setup for range and magic and invetory I'd aprecciate that.
  12. Hey there, just watching this and looks really impressive... So, it goes to Green Dragons at level 13 wildy, attack them, take the hides and bones into the looting bag, when he doesnt have any food left or low HP it teleports to Edgeville, bank and start again? Ok, what about the PKs? If it spot one, does it teleport and hop to other world? I dont know, how does it work really?
  13. It just happen again, he was stuck in the entrance of the cavern. Error: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of break condition.
  14. I just try it out and I like it but I get 2 bugs mate: 1- He confuses himself don't know where to go at the Cavern, between the mages and spiders, thank God I have high defence, but it sucks all energy figuring out where to go. 2- Once a time it get stucks at the bank, didn't get into it and gets afk there, I normally go to my PC to check how's going on and noticed this, have to pause it and reanude it and works I got more bugs but dont remember right now, so if you can fix it I'd like to buy it with GP.
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