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Everything posted by Novak

  1. You are overcomplicating the framework. Anybody who would actually use this has their own system in place that they have written. The CPU usage you are talking about saving is negligible. Its like arguing if statements vs a switch. Sure, it may be more CPU efficient, but the amount is so small that it is not relevant. Since you are linking things, i guess node can be a correct term. A standard "Node" framework like you outline in the OP is a bad name because of what node actually means. By no means is it bad, it just is overcomplicating something that should be rather simple
  2. here we go with you being defensive again just like on the other site, we proved you wrong when you thought null is bad. keep taking constructive criticism to heart, I'm sure you will get somewhere also your argument over cpu usage is negligible
  3. try to avoid having like 99999 if statements in your loop. look into a stateful framework
  4. Node is a horrible name for framework (even though I use it too). Task is a much more suitable term. Also, i find child and parent tasks very redundant and irrelevant with rs scripting. Most scripts will never be complicated enough to need parent/child nodes. Storing all the tasks in a priority queue then using a comparator to determine which should execute first is the best way to do it IMO
  5. intellij is for more advanced users, eclipse is for beginners
  6. Stop downloading runescape gold generators
  7. widget interaction seems to have broken somewhat in the last 4 updates somewhere, i wrote my own and it works fine.
  8. i only buy from original owners that are known well and have a lot of rep. very unlikely to be recovered
  9. we have asked for this before (many scripters), and they said no.
  10. yes, i use it on my macbook.
  11. its not about the code, its about the rules and then they would have to make an exception for everyone. which they aren't going to do
  12. they won't make an exception for you
  13. how is that a work around? that is what is supported. and how is having a dependencies package and a scripts package clutter?
  14. what, you just make an api in /dependencies and use whatever the fuck you want. no need to compile it
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