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  1. Hey guys, I just came back after a long break in 2020. I am looking through posts before I go back to botting cause I bot on my main. It never got banned, and I was doing it is fully botted since before the break. I noticed everyone is saying stealth is better now, but I am still worried about that because I remember stealth was like an instant ban back then. I would not even bot, and fully babysit it back then, and it would get a ban just cause I ran it there, but I noticed how you guys said its better now, and I just wanted to know because when I used mirror, it was super safe, and nothing ever happened. I wanted to ensure a few things before I get back to botting. Lmkk, I plan on botting while babysitting, not too many hours anyways.
  2. Can I get a trial, prob going to purchase tonight.
  3. I appreciate the responses, I dont think i am going to take the risk
  4. I wouldn't know where to ask this but I am assuming here would be fine. It's a question for VIP players. I heard Runelite isnt ideal to mirror to cause it could get a person banned since it could act as an antibot... is it true? for those who has used mirror with RuneLite how was your experience compared to the regular oldschool client. Because I have no problems with the regular but just debating on using runelite
  5. sorry to bump and old post, but never saw this. I also mentioned i would give an update haha never been banned since mirror, although I took a break but I've been back for some time now. I have a decent main now. Mirror is the way to go, idk what it was but stealth would be too detectable even when i was doing most of the things myself.
  6. Yup there is a freezing issue
  7. I have experienced this using Stealth but that was back in March, I would babysit, my bot, but like thing is i would not even bot for 5mins, pretty much i would be doing more than baby sitting like i am actually playing. I would take control, and all I used were paid scripts(possible flagged ip) but i remember I would reset my IP. Then I went to mirror mode and it has never happened since.
  8. Yeah i was going to mention breaks arent working
  9. Love the update, just recently came back after a long break. And I see this
  10. Honestly samee over here, I am currently experiencing the same thing. I used to be very active back in 2018, botted my main at almost 2k total but I was very dumb about it, like easily 12 hours a day but I was babysitting it the whole time, just trained many diff skills in this 12 hours. I dont know how good my luck was or the anti bot was just that bad back in 2018... but I tried coming back into OSRS because I quit after i got banned - altho i botted mainly but i still invested so much time in the game. anyways like I was saying, i tried coming back to the game again earlier this week, i already got 3 accs banned ngl. And this happened all under 24 hours, all i did was bot tut island but i would press some certain things(ik botting tut island isnt ideal), then use perfect fighter on chickens, and do some quests with stealth quester bot, and i get banned. I got one delayed banned when i had almost 40/40/40 combat stats when i used explv walker to GE. So what I am doing now is baby sit big time in the last acc i played for 2/3 days is: change my ip first, then train some combat stats by hand for a while, and then bot 1 or 2 quests.. Then I do a bit the next day. I hope I dont get banned soon, im playing mainly by hand then im going to switch to botting for a couple hours like max 4/3 a certain skill with breaks, i didnt get there to do this but I will try to. Thing is my theory is the quick bans that happen is mainly detected because of the age of the acc, so dont start strong, take it easy on botting in the very beginning. I will try to keep you updated if anything changes... But right now im actually a decent amount of levels without a ban edit: 14 hours later: that didnt take long ugh, banned again.. I was babysitting it, but I almost fully trained all the combat skills 40/40/30 myself. Then I went questing, 1 hour into it got disconnected and i was banned. This time ill try doing tut island myself instead of botting i guess. new update: i just purchased vip so i could have mirror mode, because it seems like stealth is just really detected from what I am hearing. I was really careful and got banned, so im just going to see how mirror does.
  11. Mazen320

    Stealth Quester

    Always excited for the updates, and for sure! I have not ran into any issues and I botted all quests
  12. Mazen320

    Stealth Quester

    Bought this about a year ago, and I used it back then, it always worked perfectly. Now I came back to OSRS with a new account and noticed that you added a lot more quests, and many changes, I haven't run into any issues. I just wanted to say that this is one of the best scripts I have ever used, and me having a general knowledge of programming.... this must of taken AGES to write some of these quests, and I appreciate your work for that!! I would recommend this to everyone. I noticed some changes like back then you would have a specific tab for F2P quests, and there are more quests now, that's what I mainly remember. Curious question tho, you may get this a lot, but are you working on new quests by any chance, and could we know what have u been working on if you are? Ly for making this
  13. Yes I do! I'll send it in a sec.
  14. BRAND NEW UPDATE: 8th medium scroll, I GOT RANGERS BOOTS
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