click right
mousemove 0, 75, 0, R
click left
mousemove 0, -75, 0, R
click right
mousemove 0, 40, 0, R
click left
mousemove 0, -40, 0, R
press 1 to knock out, 2 to pickpocket
if you're paranoid about the mouse moving to fast, make the change to every mousemove line
eg. "mousemove 0, 75, 0, R" to "mousemove 0, 75, 5, R"
also this script must be used with attack options HIDDEN http://prntscr.com/k17zoi
while testing this script i noticed that when attempting to knock the dude out, it doesn't always work, as if there's some way jagex have prevented ahk blackjacking. let me know if this happens for you as well.