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Trade With Caution
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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. I'll do the agility :]
  2. Metal, post-hardcore, deathmetal etc. Occasionally 60-80's rock and classic rock.. some rap
  3. Disputed Member: https://osbot.org/forum/profile/265418-purplewatilla/ Why it should be removed: it is unnecessary Details: The user contacted me about some graphic work and Over the course of a few days, the trade didn’t lead to anything. We were in the process of working out details but we never agreed on anything specific and no solid trade was agreed upon. It is 100% unnecessary and irrational for him to leave a neutral feedback. Link to topic: none. Discussed on discord
  4. I'd like to give you a chance and possibly be your first feedback. How about 69-70 mining, 64-70 agility?
  5. stats: https://gyazo.com/6fdfb8a5e0cc134d922ccb7640e86b7d quests: https://gyazo.com/cd8ebc4c1c8295b65a03fa6478f96173 untradeables: full trawler, half prospector, torso, d defender, full void, fire cape, b ring (i), full graceful, full rogue I need a PC with the current state and one with the following changes: 99 strength, 70+ in all stats Quest Cape (DS2 done) Thanks
  6. Random


    Agility: 64-full graceful Mining: 69-70 Runecrafting: 51-70 Construction: 51-75 Woodcutting 71-75 Farming: 53-70 Hunter: 60-73 HAND DONE. I need someone who is efficient and will knock this out as quickly as possible.
  7. Are you interested in maxing my melee out? 91-99 att 98-99 strength 84-99 def
  8. Random


    I was implying that he isn't trusted enough and should catch the hint.
  9. Random


    I'd suggest going to buy from @Anomaly
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