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    25.0000° N, 71.0000° W

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  1. ETA script back on SDN?
  2. Is it possible to check bank for planks before bot decided to re-stock? Cause i have 30k maho planks in bank and bot decided to buy 22k more lols.
  3. ive got multiple break setting in OSBOT.
  4. how do i prevent the script from overriding my OSBOT custom breaks?
  5. 0.29/m or 0.28/m if take all Only via BTC/LTC LTC preferred due to low fees. I wont go first unless trusted. Otherwise we could always use a free verified MM. Someone else selling cheaper? Let me know, i'll lower my prices. Discord: Faust#0978 (306773370983415808) Stock: 300m 07 History: 1) 400m, sold on 31/3
  6. lmk lowest price + estimated completion date u could go. ill supply the acc, you supply bond + items.
  7. hey could i get a trial?
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