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  1. i have a problem in the zeah catacombs, killing dust devils, when i select nearest bank it tries to run past the brutal dragons and dies, & when i have tried selecting other banks, it just sits idle once out of food, also just wondering what bank is the zeah bank in the middle castle called for when starting the script ?
  2. i have used this script for many many hours its perfect, not 1 problem ever. just wondering if you'd thought about doing a similar one for dust devils with maybe like an option to alch some of the drops, could also then camp them for HOURS!
  3. can i please trial the sand crab killer
  4. Deewizard

    Stealth Quester

    i have exactly the items it requires is there a option or something, because it runs directly to the g.e as soon as i try and start it, do i start them in the invent or do i have to orginise my bank in a certain way ?
  5. Deewizard

    Stealth Quester

    So i am an iron man and i have all the items in my bank, is it not possible to run the script with it just using the items from my bank ? Also tried just starting a single quest with all the items in my inventory and wouldn't do it
  6. Does this support like combat pots and then stop using them once it runs out so i could come with heaps and once it out just acts as normal ?
  7. I hope you are still updating this going to purchase and give it a run
  8. Does this do Bottom floor for training at like ankous with bones to peaches ?
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