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Everything posted by EPLS

  1. Second 2m+ drop within the past two days. Fuckin' love this script. If there was an option for lifetime auth at around $120 I'd certainly pay for that.
  2. You considering hand training the rest? Would suck to hit 85 then banned.
  3. Still working great on my main. Jw, would an account with 30/30/70def work as long as it has 85 mage 85 range and 45 prayer?
  4. Jeez. It just seems like some skills can almost guarantee a ban. From what I've seen, activity based scripts have a lower ban rate, such as mini-games/instances.
  5. EPLS

    PC main account

    At the very least I would contact popular account sellers here and on other forums and see what they can offer you. I'm sure some would be willing to buy it for 50%-75% of what they'd sell it for... I know I would.
  6. EPLS

    PC main account

    Oof. OP, I bet with patience you can manage to sell it for at least 300m. Start spreading threads on other forums. I wouldn't just give it away for 100m just yet.
  7. EPLS

    PC main account

    300-400m definitely seemed like a stretch to me. 200-250m would make a lot more sense.
  8. EPLS

    PC main account

    I hope for at least 150m otherwise I'm starting to lose hope in the OSRS market. On another forum a user told me how he sells maxed accounts for 300-400m each.
  9. Signature suits you well. 2m = $2. BTC fees are at an all time high, the fee alone would eat the cost.
  10. Quality shit post. OP, most combat scripts work fine with ranged, just search the thread before buying or using if it's free. If you're a high level, try doing NMZ with toxic blowpipe. Good exp/hr, but expensive.
  11. I'm desp as fuck for cash. I'll do all for 20m.
  12. You still looking? I have nothing scheduled for today (feelsbadman) and would definitely do this.
  13. Desp. for cash, will do 20m no MM.
  14. I can do this, but not sure what this goes for usually. Can you start with the offer?
  15. Laziness, should have said that in OP because I knew someone with zero interest would comment that.
  16. Wanna play some xbox, giving 1m for a 48 hour code. You can get it for like 80 cents on g2a.
  17. There's a chance I didn't load my config correctly, but I doubt it. Not sure tbh.
  18. It ran into zulrah today without having anything equipped, lol great script though
  19. EPLS

    Fruity NMZ

    Is there any way to hide the paint? I like to chat once in a while in cc when I'm babysitting a bot.
  20. EPLS

    Fruity NMZ

    Does this work with chinchompa
  21. Script still working fine after last update?
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