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Everything posted by EPLS

  1. Yeah it makes no difference what type of acc/IP you have, someone's cracking down.
  2. Whoa, this is the most bans I've seen people have using Fruity. Someone out there is definitely targeting Zulrah bots. I've used one account for over 1b and 10k kills using the same schedule. I did get stuck more often than other times, which could definitely be it, but I've returned to the bot stuck numerous times for even longer.
  3. JW if anyone has gotten multiple 99s from a bot only account. Need some inspiration. Main just got banned. On a different account I've got only one 99 in WC then it was banned from botting another skill.
  4. RIP, after 10,353 skills and 1.176b made I've been banned. It might have been due to getting stuck for 10 hours the past few days. It's been a great run. I almost want to blame it on the fact that I was legitimately mining (lmao) for a couple of hours after. I've gotten stuck loads of time before. Unlucky this time. Maybe I'll buy a Zulrah account to keep on going.
  5. Cheers everyone, just renewed another month.
  6. I've never seen someone get banned within an hour of using a script. It's happened to me without a script, but only by using a chat spammer @ ge advertising a phisher. It's either from another script or you have shitty luck. Btw, f2p or p2p? Czar, I can't pick ores with the cursor anymore, I can only use list mode. Does anyone else experience this?
  7. Yes, we don't need your bot farm layout. Report back on whether you were able to get two bots running well on that VPS. You need VIP on OSBot to use multiple tabs per client. I think if you open separate OSBot clients you can avoid this.
  8. Same here, didn't even realize until today! I often bot 8-10 hours with breaks.
  9. Just noticed I'm #15 on hiscores, can't wait to be #1.
  10. $130 for 90 90? You couldn't just do something like 80 range 80 magic inbetween? Idk, those prices are ok. I just don't want to wake up to it being recovered one day. You still go this? I'm on a shitty PC, Skype takes forever to load.
  12. Maybe I was thinking the wrong way. Fruity, I would honestly pay $100 a month for the script. Maybe that's a stretch, but even $50. It'll keep out the farmers ruining the prices. Edit: PS don't change price to $50-$100 until I have more than one acc going at a time. :P
  13. Have you considered lowering the monthly price? OSRS gold price has been dropping like crazy, it's going to get to the point where you have to double up the accounts just to make what you were making before.
  14. EPLS

    Level 60 Pure

    This isn't even my account, I'm getting a price check for someone on another forum claiming that this account will sell for 85-100m. He said it's hand trained with no NMZ.
  15. EPLS

    Level 60 Pure

    Price check on this:
  16. 10m, i can start right away and use most efficient str training method for your acc.
  17. Got my first Tanzanite Mutagen today. Already have 2x magmas and a Snakeling as well, all from Fruity Zulrah.
  18. Looking for Zulrah ready accounts. Ready to buy ASAP. Please post to bump the thread and then PM me.
  19. I got banned by a trial moderator the other day for asking about an update release ETA multiple times, how long does this last? My bad for the heart attack given to this trial mod.
  20. Do I get credit for suggesting the hotkey for the human input?
  21. What happened to the paint? Edit: Seems to be back, not sure what was causing the issue yesterday.
  22. I can gladly report that I've botted on my main with this about 5-10 hours a day. Today I reached 3,782 kills and received Snakeling pet.
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