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  1. This is the kinda amount i was expecting tbh
  2. 91 Quest points Full void Full graceful Prospector outfit
  3. Appreciate the feedback from your personal experience, you currently no longer use?
  4. Dislike coffee personally, sleep atm is fine how often was you taking them?
  5. Interesting comment, I haven't took any today and feel absolutely fine doing day to day tasks, my purpose is only on days of study Secondly I do not condone using these drugs unless prescribed, I'm using as a experimental purpose for university, I wouldn't recommend online pharmacy either although my source is legitamate ?
  6. Most people who play it don't have time to play it anymore, jagex themselves have noticed the decline which is why they introduced mobile in hope that more people will play again I will probably play legit on an account once mobile is out because I'm never home and never could play like I use to, can't speak for the rest of the players though
  7. Would never buy from websites to get pharmacy drugs period.
  8. I bot like 4-5 hours a day and no ban yet 100% bottled currently 80 90 80 with various other stats
  9. I have heard of bad things from adderall such as becoming reliant for day to day basis and can find long term side effects on the brain which is why I took an alternative personally Nah this is the first one I have taken I wouldn't take it for no reason personally anyways its not worth the price, I'm using it for study benefits
  10. I've decided to make a thread for myself mainly to compare on a day to day basis using and not using noting any side effects. This thread will be updated often (not daily) mainly on days of usage. Current issues, not being able to focus on lectures for more than 20 mins and taking information in is awful. Edit: this drug isn't prescribed at all, I have a pharmacy source for many different kinds of shit including my name Side effects: none Day 1: so far its been 45 mins since taking 200mg of modafinil, currently feeling restless and feeling the need to be always doing something, completely wide awake. Edit: me and my friend both compared to check if placebo will update evrrytime its used to compare so, basically sitting in the lecture and it was like no one else was in the room, took down more information down noticeably and listening to him directly was like he was some kind of target both me and my friend had the same experience after lecture, could be placebo but will find that out long term Day 2: 7/11/2017
  11. That's unfortunate, you started off so well man, good luck with the new accounts I made some new ones myself but perfect fighter is messed up for me ?
  12. Accounts with firecape are higher in value just because of 31 prayer but your account won't decrease in value as in the long run the value will only go up as more stats are gained
  13. Can depend, I have one account currently 80 90 71 and still going
  14. Bought this script and it doesn't even show the gui, do you have any requirements to install with your script because it's the only one i have issues with fighter and this one both have gui issues [ERROR][Bot #1][10/31 10:17:46 PM]: Error in script onExit(): Perfect Stronghold java.lang.NullPointerException at aUx.onExit(xh:606) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IIiIIiiIIIiI(ro:154) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.stop(ro:50) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.stop(ro:207) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(ro:256) at org.osbot.Ac.run(xo:185) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][10/31 10:17:46 PM]: Script Perfect Stronghold has exited!
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