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  1. I don't think the script itself drops anything sweetie. The logout problem might be your method of banking, on some occasions I notice when banking at clan wars it'll go near the castle wars f2p flags and hover over where the bank should be but can't be seen. That might be your issue, however that's a blind guess. What are your settings?
  2. Doing this service for the user.
  3. Jagex has been using scare tactics for years. They'll ban a few people that are well known that probably bought it to get a message across and say "eh, fuck it" and it'll turn out like the firecape where it's easy to find someone to do it for you with virtually zero risk of a ban.
  4. @Muffins If you don't know what iron is I'd hate to know your diet because meat is full of iron. You filthy millennial.
  5. Looking for hand-done accounts, but thank you.
  6. Yeah it works. You just need to setup the GUI and the people who complain are just doing it wrong if that makes sense.
  7. Confirming it's working as of 7/31/2017. It was the settings. Join my discord in my signature or PM me what settings you use (screenshots) I can probably troubleshoot what's going on.
  8. Type of trade: GP for powerleveling. Your skype: Using discord. Other Person's skype: Discord. Do you agree to TOS: Yep.
  9. Sometimes if you just got VIP it can take just a lil while for it to kick in with the client. Usually it's instant though.
  10. Will be considered, already have a 15m offer in PM.
  11. Can I have a trial please? I might buy it.
  12. Can I have a trial please? Thanks in advance!
  13. I have tons of three letter names, some two letter names, and various words as names that can be considered rare depending on the user. My discords in my signature.
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