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  1. Does anyone have any advice on how to set up house rooms for Pool / Glory location? I notice bot hangs sometimes when finding glory (1 room over)
  2. No option to use Ardougne cape / Explorers ring teleports?
  3. https://i.imgur.com/vz1AH7R.png Almost 20 kills / hr. V2 is absolutely amazing. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/PCt0Vzq.png 21 k/hr
  4. Woops I thought I sent you a message yesterday - just sent it again ? Edit: And yep it was the anglerfish that wouldn't let me start the script properly.
  5. Got it working - GP/kill and GP/hr stopped updating around 35 mins into trip. Trip ended 1.9m for my first hour Loving this bot. Can't wait to try V2. Edit: Screenshot isn't showing here idk why https://i.imgur.com/WnC7N9s.png
  6. Ok it was the retaliate setting ? Thankyou
  7. Currently in any location I try the bot won't stick to it's assigned mobs; i.e I have it set to Fire Giants only and it will go out of its way to attack the hellhound in the next room over or the dark beast. Haven't had this issue before. Edit: Avoid fighting other NPC option is always turned on.
  8. Script teleports to Zul'andra - pots up - uses imbued heart - teleports to clan wars - runs to bank - withdraws another teleport scroll - repeats. ?
  9. Issue with safespot + move mouse outside of screen option. Mouse will stay on screen until the mob dies - then move mouse outside screen and instantly back to loot.
  10. Brought 110m today. Close to 1b total. Fastest and easiest gold buying service I've ever used.
  11. This script is by far the best I've ever used across any botting website - it's been around for a very long time with constant development; the amount of features is actually insane. You can configure it to fight / bank almost anywhere in the game with any setup / safespot / spec weps / etc. Was definitely worth the money for me without even thinking about a trial.
  12. Having issues starting the bot - had to start inside current dream: When I select grab gear it puts my inventory to 7 slots? Only thing in my inventory is overloads and prayer potions - so it won't start when I select 4/20 Overloads / Prayer pots because my inventory says 31? What am I doing wrong here? :S [INFO][Bot #1][07/09 03:15:56 PM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][07/09 03:16:39 PM]: [InventorySetup] Adding: Overload [INFO][Bot #1][07/09 03:16:39 PM]: [InventorySetup] Adding: Prayer potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][07/09 03:16:39 PM]: Terminating script FruityNMZ v2... [INFO][Bot #1][07/09 03:16:39 PM]: Script FruityNMZ v2 has exited!
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