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  1. Anyone using strictly trident the entire run? (magic on both karils and ahrims) How does it do? Is leveling range worth it just to kill one brother?
  2. I apologize if you've already answered the questions... but now that you are botting zulrah, how many hours/day are you botting it per account? Also, are you doing anything else on the account or strictly login>zulrah>logout? Keep up the great work!
  3. botscape1738


    Combat if you wouldn't mind.
  4. botscape1738


    Welcome to the community Song!
  5. The community here at OSBot is phenomenal. Anytime you have any questions, SOMEONE is glad to answer them. But Just like fstyle said, noone here will spoonfeed you though. Everyone has their own methods of goldfarming. The more people know about them, the less effective they are. It's best to do research, and don't be afraid of failure. As for Tor, most people here either use a VPS (Virtual Private Server) to run their clients, or they purchase proxy IPs and utilize them within the osbot client. Hope this helped! Best of luck!
  6. These are all great ideas, but as mentioned above... Studies have shown that "anti ban", in fact, does little to nothing. Excellent suggestions though! Happy botting.
  7. Nice release! I'm sure people will have great use of these. Lul'd at the 5 hour comment.
  8. botscape1738


    Nice! Care to share training methods?
  9. Will be following this! Best of luck, should be an interesting ride! Don't give up!
  10. I believe he's referring to this method requiring the completion of Dragon Slayer.
  11. It does not. All that is listed are the stats of the account. Just looking for the most profit/time effective. Thank you for the insight! Much appreciated.
  12. Hey OSB. Eventually I'm going to be selling my pure. Below are the stats/things worth mentioning. My question, what would be the best way to efficiently increase the value of the account? (I.e. Increase defence to create a zulrah account, raise range/mage levels, quest more for rfd gloves, etc.) 70 Combat 60 Attack 80 Strength 0xp 1 Defence 80 Range 44 Prayer 76 HP 82 Mage Ava's Monkey Madness Horror from the deep W/ Full Zammy Book Fire cape Clean account history (no bans) Thanks for reading!
  13. Simple, but efficient! Great release. Thanks for posting the source! Always fun to read/follow through.
  14. Simple GUI, but effective. Looks like a solid release. Keep it up!
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