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  1. Basically when I click anything on my second monitor the GUI's will overlap with the options Example: https://gyazo.com/5e645bfecfb977fd0f2af8ddb26c3251 I need help asap I dont know what to call this so i have no idea how to search about it
  2. Hey could i get a trail before I buy? I have bought your wine maker. I am very interested in buying this just want to test
  3. fuck bro you got lucky lol. At least he didn't steal my account
  4. Thanks for all of the suggestions. If only he finished his job before he wanted to scam quit but I wasnt home in time to change password. He said 20m lumby or i ruin account and i was like.. what? and he said okay ruined.. fuck this kid
  5. Thank you for the idea. I will probably go this route
  6. Yeah I thought Mainio was trusted and did cannon service with him. RIP
  7. Yeah this account took forever and it really fucked me up when I get the message that if i dont pay 20m he will ruin my account
  8. Yep, fuck @Mainio. Ruined my 1 defense account Here is the account what can I make it into? Really sad to see this account go but I hope anyone can give me ideas to make it into something better! Thanks!
  9. Could I get a trail before I buy this? I tried stealth builder but I couldnt get it to work
  10. I cannot get the script to work at all. Every single time i load it into OSBot it doesnt do anything, but I hit start on GUI, it crashes script and logs me out
  11. Need help... happens every single time I try to load script
  12. Could I get a trail please? Want to know if i like before I buy it
  13. Will provide supplies. Cannon only and hand done I am 50 range currently wanting 70ish Need price
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