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Everything posted by mercylad

  1. How long does it take for them to respond? I've tried this method to unban 2 of my maxed mains i hope atleast one of them works. Not sure how high the chances are on maxed mains though. Also I had an account which was banned with 300m osrs on it but forgot the login name to it rofl. It was a 1pray account with 95 strength aswell rofl fml yessss just got one of my maxed mains unbanned rofl!!!!
  2. I'm actually scared to keep botting my account. I got questcape on it today and basically every stat on it is botted. But my babypure got insta perm banned so i'm scared the same will happen to this. This account never had a ban before though. https://image.prntscr.com/image/nQpGoP36TY6vJqu09jDgxw.png
  3. I'll give it a shot soon too poor for bond on new account currently. my babypure got banned recently so i guess i can do this soon
  4. I've seen only 2 weeks bans and perm banned never saw a 2 days ban before. Any one's last experience of the 2 days ban from recently?
  5. I could do it faster with items prebought and staminas fam;) Just got that qp cape on my nearly maxed botted main too:D
  6. Any one got banned using this script? I might want to use it to max my melee/magic stats on my main which is combat 112.
  7. Probably this. The other option is that they havent seen daylight till this day yet. Some even say they started playing rs as they were born and they shit in a bucket since going to the toilet is xpwaste. Those are just legends tho
  8. I'm not that technical just opening bot and pressing start to get some lvls or gp to play the game. Not really farming or anything :P
  9. That's how it is, you don't like it don't buy it lol. Not everyone is working for slave prices
  10. Lvl 1 def defence pures. And yes if you keep the attack lvl 1 and prayer and defence also 1 and train the rest, people can always decided themselves wether they want to go obby/f2per/gmauler/ddser/voider/zerker/main. Choosing to go any of this mode and lvl attack/defence/prayer later on while you have the most important stats which is magic/range/strength is easy at a later stage as the requirements for attack/def/pray aren't that high. Mostly around lvl 40 which can be gotten in an hour.
  11. Shit is broken af won't run script for me. or it would but i am able to click around while the script is running too. Luckily for me I still have the old client which I will be using
  12. Would love seeing this uploaded to the SDN. Dont really know how to use manual scripts like this.
  13. If you go pure mod than i would advice you to quest 40 attack with a few easy quest: waterfall, grand tree, tree gnome village, fight arena. (i would just set up the auto quester script to run for mithril gloves too, your defence and prayer should stay 1 with mithril gloves. i've done this before. or if you dont want to quest than keep the attack lvl 1, this way you keep the option open for all the possible builds 40attackf2per/gmauler/ddser or obby mauler if 1 attack. keep defence 1 and prayer 1, this gives people more of a choice to decide themself to train pray if they want since 1pray pure are becoming popular. the higher you can bot range/str/mage would make the account the higher worth.
  14. mercylad


    Make sure you have checked the box of breaks when exciting. Just filling in the timers isn't everything.
  15. 5m for both quests can do them within 1-2 hours depending if you got staminas.
  16. 5-10m tops prob overpriced too
  17. Pls pm me with how much rsgp you want for a 5$ voucher and we can meet up ingame. I'll be checking my inbox every minute or so. I've been trying to buy one for 24 hours now but none of the voucher sellers is responding. Must be trusted!
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