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  1. It was happening quite often before.. I'm not sure if somehow it got fixed? Either way if I see it happening again ill screen capture it and ill send it to you. Thanks anyways!
  2. Dam man that really sucks, always double check any client you download. OG runelite will always tell you if you add a plugin which connects to any other website or if it shares data.
  3. Edit : Just did it again... withdrawing more than its set to
  4. It clicks on the tile in front of the fishing spot.. and waits for the fishing animation to stop, to then click the fishing spot again. Ima get it to happen again and ill send you a screen capture of it. Edit : lol I cant get it to happen now that I want to screen capture it
  5. @Khaleesi Noticed one thing, when going to the dock to fish by Tempoross it sometimes clicks on the tile on the dock even though it already clicked to start fishing. It wont go back to fishing until the character stops doing the animation which sometimes it takes long to do. Is there any way around that?
  6. @Khaleesi Noticed that at Ardy Knights, while using dodgy necklaces it takes everything out fine the first time and then mid way through logger says that I'm out of food and needs to bank. Then it goes to bank and withdraws the full amount again on top of what's already in the inventory which then fills it up. It cant pickpocket with a full inventory and logger starts saying its going to bank since it has a full inventory but it just stays there trying to open up the money pouch or tries to pickpocket and keeps getting the same error. I can manually get around this by pausing the script and depositing some of the food it got but this keeps happening randomly. Usually around script starting up, rarely happens after I manually Fix it.
  7. Ill be keeping an eye out on your custom dropping system to see if it gets fixed again when you push updates like it used to be. Ill let you know if it works for me again at any point. Thank you anyways for the help and for the update
  8. Still missing the ores and clicking on empty spaces in inventory at 50ms reaction time, ima play with multiple reaction times now to see which one is working best for these. Edit : Okay so here's what I found out for me, I'm not sure this is the same for everyone else but I tried every single reaction time all the way from 50ms to 500ms which is all that I can go to, and then I also tried 1000ms which is the OSBot Recommended setting and none of the Reaction times improved the issue. There has to be a problem with the dropping part of the script. I'm not entirely sure... but id say try slowing down the drop sequence? I'm thinking it's that, sometimes it speeds up really fast and doesn't click certain inventory slots, and its usually around the same place too.
  9. No problem glad I could help, cant wait to see the next version
  10. Ohh yeah that could definitely explain it, I completely forgot lmfao. I should have checked that since more and more scripts are using different response times now. Ill give it a try tomorrow and let you know if that fixed it for me. TY
  11. @Czar This is still happening with iron ore at least on Mirror Mode. I've reported this issue before, and it got fixed but a little while back it started happening again. This is the only one of your scripts I'm having this dropping issue with. It happens just like the guy above stated and shows on the gyazo.
  12. Praying at altar would be good since your already there. As for choosing the world, you can make it a choose world numbers with an open box and commas separating the worlds, [323,324,325,330,331] etc... Something similar to that. You type in the world Number and it could choose from one of those worlds, instead of from a list? As for this "As for bot hopping on the same worlds: good find. I'll blacklist worlds for X minutes so it doesn't hop to same worlds, I hadn't anticipated a situation like this, you shouldn't really need to hop that frequently unless it ran into some high population worlds." I'm not sure why it decided on not wanting to change from those three worlds. I even restarted the script and it kept using the same worlds. Also Quick note, when its exchanging the dragon bones with the NPC outside, it tries to interact with it multiple times even though the character is already moving towards the NPC.
  13. Question, the setting in which you put to hop worlds if someone my level, does that take into account the wildy level difference? For example that a much lower level account can attack me. And why does it always hop to the same 3 worlds? Can you possibly add to turn on quick prayers? Note: And an Option to choose what worlds to hop to would also help
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