Praying at altar would be good since your already there. As for choosing the world, you can make it a choose world numbers with an open box and commas separating the worlds, [323,324,325,330,331] etc...
Something similar to that. You type in the world Number and it could choose from one of those worlds, instead of from a list?
As for this "As for bot hopping on the same worlds: good find. I'll blacklist worlds for X minutes so it doesn't hop to same worlds, I hadn't anticipated a situation like this, you shouldn't really need to hop that frequently unless it ran into some high population worlds." I'm not sure why it decided on not wanting to change from those three worlds. I even restarted the script and it kept using the same worlds.
Also Quick note, when its exchanging the dragon bones with the NPC outside, it tries to interact with it multiple times even though the character is already moving towards the NPC.