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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Mula

  1. It seems to be every so often I try and make a post and the page goes white and I cannot refresh and access the forums for a bit. Not a big deal as I just go do other things but was just checking if it was only me.
  2. and a few warning points? 10 points and your banned kid. you should be getting a lot more than 10 points Quit raging and tough up young one! I would hope the staff here wouldn't just go by your request and ban me without being warned once since I would lose out on some money without being warned. But hope you get mod some day ;)
  3. There is no need for anger my friend. I'm still awaiting that proof of your girlfriend. I could go for a few warning points I guess. Is there an actual rule that says no negativity? Seems like i rustled your jimmies as you took the time to make this nice collage for me. appreciate it. I most likely won't be banned since I have not even been warned. But hey if the mods want me to stop I should be warned. I'm also trying to look out for members like yourself health you need exercise daily.
  4. You need to get out more often. If I were mod I would temp ban you for unhealthy amounts of computer time.
  5. L0l I'm only into the community of osbot because my parents don't let me out of the house if they did I wouldn't be active and I'd go out with my girlfriend and friends everyday so you my friend need to stfuPics or no girlfriend. Also do you need me to find your local child services department and link you?
  6. You and your twin are pretty fucking annoying to.
  7. Quite the lopsided star you have there.
  8. That is magic sand that retards like you cannot have. Set the sig jew boy.
  9. That's garbage get some new shit to listen to. I made you a sig so set it up.
  10. Not upset, I was even generous enough to make you that sig. Now set it up.
  11. Just quit posting threads no one wants to hear from you
  12. ​And you probably think you're l33t for using LOICThis isn't 4chan and it isn't 2008.
  13. Get those damn anon sigs out of here you don't even know the first thing about blackhat activites.
  14. Yeah this is the most important issue we have. Why not give him a bj while you fondle him.
  15. How gay can you get is my question.
  16. You aren't staff you can't make a chat and call it osbot chat. What if someone gets in there who is trying to infect rs players for gp you won't be able to do anything.
  17. You people care to much about your forum status.
  18. You people care to much about your forum status.
  19. Mula

    R.I.P. Chat?

    I'd rather he straighten out the issues with the bot before worrying about the chat.
  20. Mula

    BETA v1.7.53

    Failed the exam random, kept clicking on the purple door without solving the quiz.
  21. Doesn't do randoms but you most likely know by now.
  22. Mula

    BETA v1.7.43

    Doesn't do combat randoms again. swarm, troll, tree, plant, would have died if not babysitting.
  23. Mula

    BETA v1.7.42

    Swarm, security man, and tree spirit are not done by the bot as well as others it seems becareful botting.
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