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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Could I have a trial please?
  2. Depression is such a aweful thing
  3. Wait what, didn't you just make a post earlier asking for someone to lvl your ranged to like 80? And no you are looking to do services yourself?
  4. @gearing is doing this service
  5. Looking for someone to organize my bank for me, drop all useless quest items that won't be needed ever again, drop random crap, want a beautiful pk tab etc How much?
  6. Is it possible to receive a trial for this @Token
  7. still got some? add skype: holysm0kes1
  8. I am down to do this, any price you have in mind?
  9. At wave 59, still 4m then? I can just do it myself till wave 61, and let you do 62 & 63? How much would that cost?
  10. Nope, I finished till wave 52 now.. can you help me?
  11. That's pretty much the price of a full run is it not?
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