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Trade With Caution
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About Runecrafter

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  1. Add me on skype: Fancyswamp, I will do it for you.
  2. Non beard, of accually put some efford into it mate, keep shaving it with a knife instead of some electrical device because then your hair gets stronger and ur beard will look way better. Now it looks like some fluffy stuff.
  3. I can sell you a silver 1 account lol, add me on skype: Fancyswamp if interested.
  4. Has 2 open disputes against him... Wants free accounts lol.
  5. Lol no, 7x = 0 Divide by 7 x = 0
  6. Why not make a thread in the media section were everybody can post his/her proggy's?
  7. Romeo & Juliet Cooks assistent Goblin Diplomacy All rather easy quests and gives u around 8 quest points in total :P
  8. Wow this is pretty creative, never seen this one lol.
  9. They came at the same time, God created both eggs and chickens, if God didnt create both of them those chickens would be, WTFFFF, What is shit? Its hurting my assss. POOP. *Eggs comes out*, pff wow finally. Like dafuq, thats not how it could have gone the first time. So thats why God created both eggs and Chickens at the same time. Or it was some fat indian guy or some guy with a beard believed to live in the middle east depending on your believe.
  10. Just make armoury, gems loses alot and smelting is crap xp/h
  11. Thank you all for the feedback and thank you shit for highlighting my grammical mistakes. Will be updated today, couldnt get it done any earlier because I was busy with work.
  12. I think we need an ignore option for the chat.
  13. Updated again, will be revising everything. Looking for mistakes in grammer etc. Please post if you find one and quote if so it makes it easier for me to find them since I am not a native.
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