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  1. Which script are you using? and are you using a script?
  2. Alex is working on an update Alot of people have the issue. Some could fix it some could not, so better wait for the update If he have any more issues after the update he should make a post in https://osbot.org/forum/forum/102-client-bugs-suggestions/
  3. Alex is working on an update. Should be done soon
  4. Might want to try reinstalling java, i have no idea how to fix it then. If nothing works write a bug report here: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/102-client-bugs-suggestions/
  5. did you write it in console ? And you have the newest version of java?
  6. Try this: java -jar "osbotlocation/osbot.jar" Xmx2048 -debug and post what it says. If it has something to do with the memory increse the ram to something like this: Xmx8192 and if it works with just 2gb of ram, great (y)
  7. java -jar "osbotdistination/osbot.jar" -debug Write that in console and show us what it says. And he said we should post it here: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/102-client-bugs-suggestions/
  8. Okay i know why.. since you cant walk to musa point the webwalking event dosent know what to do. This will be a later implementation. Yes, you are absolutely right
  9. Ill get right on it! What did you select under script and fishing type? And are you a p2p or f2p player?
  10. Well that would have saved me some time xD but i still need the classes, just didnt had to hardcode the areas.. Ty for letting me know :-) Is there one for fishing areas as well?
  11. The introduction Hello all. Guessing it is time for me to release my first script. I am doing this one open source because i need some advice on what can be improved (code wise) and what I am doing wrong. So this release is primarily for my education, but also for people who might consider writing a fishing script, then this is in my opinion a good place to start If anybody have any questing regarding my code or ways I can improve my code please let me know here, on the chat or pm me I have added the zip file containing the source files and the CLFishing.jar to run this script in OSBot. All you have to do is to put the "clfishing" folder into your source folder in any IDE. Any questions? Just ask If you can use any of the code please reply to the post and letting me know . When PF mode is selected the bot will find the closest area to you depending on what fishing type you selected. After that it find the closest bank to that area. When NF mode is selected the bot will find area and bank closest to each other depending on which fishing type you selected. If fishing type "LEVEL" is selected it will found out what fishing type you should fish and the fishing area and banking area as mentioned above. This script does require all the items needed to be placed in the bank or the script closes by it self. Paint by Container CLFishing - The script The source code (History) clfishing.zip Contains the first version of this script and the source code. clfishing2.zip Contains the rewritten script with less code. Found bugs You cant walk to musa point cathing lobsters. This is gonna be a later fix. Or something you can do yourself.
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