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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by sdia

  1. I won't be able to refund yet, I'd rather wait for the quash response.
  2. Fine. I will return with the quash result.
  3. 1. Account was never advertised on OSBot, so not breaking that rule 2. I did a username search - Account didn't show up on hiscore, asked him if he changed username, he replied no. (see below). 3. I recovered the account after - as I am Original Owner, asked him if this was okay. He agreed. (see above). 4. After account recovery - account was confirmed to have been banned See below - I originally said I would quash for him when I sold the account, but due to the dispute this is now void. [hidden] Account is currently awaiting Quash Response... (Upto 28Days)..
  4. Minimum stat recommended for this to be worth and or gear setups?
  5. Could you add time to next level, brother?
  6. sdia

    Stealth Quester

    Can not wait to use this for my farm @Token, May I trial this?
  7. He won't be at work until 2nd of Jan. But the Automatic dettection system never stops.
  8. Thanks for the quick reply, the log out isn't actually from the idle timer, I've watched the bot during this logout and it is actually choosing to log out itself. It does sound like it's client sided though
  9. I've been noticing that during the random delay before refreshing, say if the random delay is 20000, the counter will go to 18000 and then the bot will log out and in the error log it says: [WARN][Bot #1][12/02 11:12:28 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [INFO][Bot #1][12/02 11:12:28 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][12/02 11:12:33 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [WARN][Bot #1][12/02 11:12:42 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [INFO][Bot #1][12/02 11:12:42 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][12/02 11:12:45 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen So something to do with Event executor - Welcome screen is due to the bot logging out. Is this an osbot issue or an issue with the crab bot? Thanks for the script though Apa, loving it.
  10. Bot stepping on the correct tile and keeps right clicking the tile but never walks there?
  11. sdia

    OSBot 2.4.145

    Got all scripts working, cheers.
  12. Proxies are 3-4$, nothing wrong with taking precautions for literally no extra cost.
  13. I've used proxyfish, they offer a free ip change if you mess up and get banned too.
  14. I had success claiming a hijack, was botting through a VPN of course.
  15. Definitely seems liked a flagged IP. Request a free change (if your service provides this).
  16. Very interested in this, going to follow. Trying to set up a farm my self, but had 3 accounts banned within the first week.
  17. Good read. This will be a wake-up call for some people for sure.
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