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  1. I wouldn't bother using a vpn. There is no real reason to, the only benefit is if you were dumb and over botted yourself to a ban it *could* help your appeal. As for mirror mode, its nice. It's a extra layer and I find it does help delay/lower bans. Mirror mode can only help if you are using good scripts though. Don't download and use free scripts with 10k users and expect to keep your account. Paid and especially private scripts are the best option to lower ban rates. Lastly, breaks are super important. I used to be able to run a bot 10 hours a day back then and never have issues but just a hour too much now days will cost you. Bot like you would play the game, don't go from being able to do a repetitive task for an hour to botting it for 4 hours straight. Ultimately, these are just my opinions. Even if you do everything perfect you will get a ban someday, may not be today or the next but it will happen so be prepared for that if you are going to bot.
  2. I've had good success doing that but if the account was blatantly just training and not stolen and used for gold farming it could change their opinions to unban. But I know nothing
  3. bkg

    Khal Wintertodt

    Could i get a trial? Thanks
  4. If you want a solid vpn. "vpn.ac" I use them and they are great. If youre just after something for botting then stick with proxies
  5. If your main means a lot to you then be safe and proxy the bots. I don't think its likely to get any sort of chain bans from something small but you never know.
  6. Never heard or seen any delayed bans that long, doesn't make sense at all.
  7. Buying 20m 07 .87/mil Buying via PP.
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