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Trade With Caution
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About pipez

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  1. sure thing, sorry i've jut been very busy with finals barely log in, just set up a date a time where me you and project pat can all get online and agree on and we can further proceeded, also @Decode there is no way I am going to refund him 90m that makes absolutely no sense he got me like 400k experience in mage. @Page27 I love how you forget to mention the fact than when your account was supposedly hacked the first time I got it back for you and nothing was touched.... and you know what the funniest thing about all this is, I have no clue who is on the account at the moment because if its not me and its not PAGE27 than who the hell is it? Ohh well done with RS anyway ill throw you your cash back ill throw you 60m for getting me a level in mage and we will part ways sorry it had to end like this but ill let karma deal with you since im pretty certain you resold the account.
  2. and also this is the first time the account has been recovered, the previous time it was locked by jagged on suspicions it was hacked.
  3. lol I told him I'd give him the account or his money back... why are you accusing me of this kind of bullshit. If I am a scammer than I wouldn't give him anything back but I've given him to option to take a full re fund on the account... btw he got the account with 93 mage so relax he didn't do that much
  4. I just got home last night actually, was in Cancun for 2 weeks but ill just give you your money back no clue why this keeps happening to you.... we can se it up ill get your 55m back [EDIT] I don't even have the account, you sure you didn't try selling it yourself and now are blaming me? I am confused as fuck as how you can "lose" an account with registered email and authenticator on it.?
  5. I just got home last night actually, was in Cancun for 2 weeks but ill just give you your money back no clue why this keeps happening to you.... we can se it up ill get your 55m back
  6. can't sell or buy accs with 9 posts sir
  7. pipez

    PC This pure

    I'd give you about 175m for it
  8. PM me your Skype so we can talk:) I've got something for you You aren't even allowed to sell accounts yet...
  9. me me mem em em me memmemememe
  10. got an acc still alive atm 68 def 67 str 63 atk defiantly my longest one
  11. I doubt anyone would buy an account that expensive off of your especially since you joined like a week ago.
  12. thought I was the only one that saw that :P
  13. if you would give me the details to the log in email with it I'd buy it right now for your asking price
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