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  1. Can i have a trail?
  2. After the update i get An error has occured while loading hooks, with bot oldschool and osbuddy clients
  3. I'm looking for a quested pk account with 1 def, (50 att max) Or Starter f2p pure (Unregistered email) Money is no problem i can pay with paypal , bank transaction in the netherlands or i can buy ingame gp EDIT: only buying from truster seller or we use MM
  4. This script is awesome! , very stable i love it
  5. i think the bot is broken after the update , doesnt start up in mirror mode varrock course
  6. Can i have a trail please? thanks already
  7. Virtual

    Fixed Mode

    After starting osbot in mirror mode, go in osbuddy from fixed mode to stretched mode and then back to fixed mode, osbot wil detect the fixed mode after this.
  8. doesnt pickup charms anymore?
  9. i think they fixed the paypal plugin , i just bought a scipt
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