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  1. hi can you give me a trial before i buy? appreciate it!
  2. I honestly didn’t know there were still many plank runners about to be honest, wintertodt iron man ready accounts seem like a good shout though, could work on multiple accounts at the same time
  3. Are nightmare zone accounts 70/70/70 sought after? I see a lot of people selling them but I think there’d be way too much competition. I’m just curious to what’s the fastest account you could make for the highest profit Yeah I know don’t worry, I’m just curious and thought I’d ask to see what other people’s opinions are ?
  4. Anyone have any idea of some accounts that people are always looking to buy? Aside from pking accounts
  5. Yeah I have no experience at all but it’s something I want to get into, by the looks of things it’s just gunna be a trial and error thing until things start sticking in my head. I guess I can always come back here if I get stuck and need some help, always people around to help which is good ?
  6. Was looking for a price check, I didn’t mention selling the account
  7. Ahh shit I completely skipped over that, thanks for the help guys!
  8. Low level gmauler with DT mith gloves and avas stats: 50 att 72 str 82 magic 78 range 16 prayer and 60ish HP -57ish combat
  9. How did you guys learn how to make scripts and how would an absolute beginner even begin learning to make scripts? Something I want to get into
  10. Appreciate the warm welcomes and love guys, Rs has always been a hit and miss game with me I’ll play it for a year or 2 then quit for like 6 months. Recently came back after a year or so break and everyone’s suddenly a god at edge pking
  11. Jesus everyone’s a OG hahah, 2006 for me I would of been 10 year old I remember making my first account and spending best part of a week making money for a rune scim and then getting scammed for all my money at fally bank. God I love this game What’s everyone’s first memories of this game? (Sorry to double post)
  12. Do you agree with the Requirments (included paying a deposit): yes  What tasks are you willing to do: anything apart from torso, pretty much any quest apart from a few and willing to train any skill What is your Skype?: Corey.derbyshire How long a day you can be online to do services: 6+ Have you done other services before: yes but only briefly then I quit RS
  13. Hi! I’ve been lurking on osbot for 2 years now and I haven’t really posted much just kept myself to myself. I’m ready to start being a part of this community and getting to know people, I’m wondering what year did everyone start playing RS and how did they find out about it?
  14. corey1996

    raids 1

    thats why i made this post, to see if anyone would take me on a raid and show me the ropes, thanks for the replies.
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