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Mr Hiyotaki

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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Yeah same keeps standing in the western tile and just does nothing my bot stood their for 10 hours two nights in a row just standing their
  2. Wanting done tonight if anyone can? TYVM
  3. Trusted user too do firecape on an ironman account, 70 range,70 def,50 prayer No brews/range pots/ Pray pots/food only Crystal bow/Broads Money ready too go wanting a trusted user only. thanks
  4. my skype is "wadeoo4" it wont let me add people ty all
  5. Title says it all need some professionally handheld skills powerleveled on my ironman. Skills that i'd be in are - Agility 70-90 (Depending price) -Runecrafting (Currently lvl 15) -Mining (Currently 70) If you are interested in doing any off these skills please pm me the gp per xp or quote me please thankyou, Won't be trusting anyone onto my account who doesen't have feedbacks as i don't want this account banned sorry.
  6. Need a firecape done now, trusted member. Account has: 99 Range, 99 Defence, 99 Hitpoints, Rigour just don't have time too do it will take like 40 mins thanks.
  7. Iron man needing full gracefull only have 10 tokens Have $$ waiting hand done can not be botted ty best offer wins
  8. Simple really 50-70 agility can bot if u think u can get around being banned but want compensation if the account is banned (Eg The Bond and 2-3m for time wasting ) Not sure how much it'd cost throw me ur prices Also want too keep the tokens for graceful thanks
  9. ill give u 45-50m with no more crafting too be done
  10. Looking for a account with a 99 or two would prefer theive fish hunt or woodcutting not looking too spend alot and has too be a trusted seller with no registered emails
  11. How much for 60-69 slayer HAND DONE ONLY No Botting Looking for total estimate not gp/per exp Has 65 attack, 70 strength, 60 def, 70 prayer, 87 mage, 70 hp Can use any method/Attack style Will provide pots/cballs (possibly) and food
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