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Everything posted by dawg

  1. dawg


    Love this script but yesterday when I ran it again after some time it keps logging me out after like 5k XP?
  2. Pots dont work. Sometimes just stands somewhere for 10 hours when resetting. Fix your shit please.. Make this shit flawless
  3. dawg


    Yeah ive always used ESC mode.. i botted 70-85 ranged wit it now since it has 2 options after a few mins it just clicks on ground all day
  4. dawg


    Since it has the 2 option modes the script is broken...
  5. dawg


    Getting a fat 40k/h at 70 ranged I'm 80 now thanks to this script thanks
  6. Uhm I botted like 5 hours first day and 5 hours second day. Then next day I got ban when I tried to login. it was a fresh account tho, maybe that had something to do with it, no clue tbh.
  7. What are the banrates? How long can I bot dhide bodies a day to be safe? Cant get my acc banhammered and going for 99 craft. Shall I buy? what da riskk
  8. Soz it worked great. Didnt load inventory :P Anyway did 1-40 atk 1-48 str in 2 days then got banhammered
  9. Seems great but my bot was just standing at bank al night.. It doesnt seem to bank, I have 5k + trouts in it and 200+ camelot tabs and thats all but it just opens bank and doesnt do anything. Tried several different options in the gui.
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