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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Nym

  1. No script is ban free. You gotta bot smart. Running for ("only") 2 and a half hours I wouldn't recommend. I recommend taking a look at this if you haven't.
  2. Nym

    Complete Orber

    At edgeville tp spot it's spamming teleport? What happens after it uses all the teleports? If you can could you add my discord Nimmogel#0177 just so i can get more info and have this fixed sooner? Thx and sorry. Had individuals who used mirror mode and had random issues like that and concluded script wasn't compatible with it. Current status with working on mirror mode idk.
  3. Nym

    Complete Orber

    are you using mirror mode? If so don't, else can ya provide some more info like script settings, what the status is saying etc? Thx
  4. Check logs. Will explain what's wrong.
  5. Nym

    Complete Orber

    Okay thank you for the input. If I decide to do this i'l make this update once my midterms are over. I don't want to over complicate my gui, trying to keep it as simple as possible with minimal interface. Would prefer to stick to one option that most people prefer, if that means changing it then i'm all for it. Bot will terminate if there are no more of the needed supplies left(has always worked in injection). I've never used mirror mode but that's likely where the issue is coming from. I recommend using injection mode for bot to run as smooth as possible.
  6. Nym

    Complete Orber

    Hey i'm glad everything is working! As for when teleblocked, I found letting the person kill you be better than running all the way back, you won't always escape the pker and the time to run back versus just dying had about the same profit loss. Can change it so it doesn't spam teleport when teleblocked or else change it to run to edgeville if you think that's better. LMK Thanks for the feedback!
  7. Nym

    Complete Orber

    Hello sorry you feel that way. Unfortunately after running the script for several hours all was smooth on my end and I couldn't recreate the issue. If you see it happen again can you send photos, logs, status on paint, script settings, mirror mode? My discord is Nimmogel#0177 , can speak there
  8. Nym

    Complete Orber

    Sure i'l take a look and fix. You can get 2 hit ko'd pretty easily with those stats.
  9. Nym


    no sorry ya got no feedback
  10. Nym


    Yeah add my discord Nimmogel#0177
  11. Nym


    b got more gold.
  12. Nym

    Complete Orber

    ok pm if you need help with anything else
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