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  1. robbie2424

    Fruity NMZ

    what does minimum bounderies and maximum bounderies do for absorption potion?
  2. I don't think they give quashes anymore. I got them when they were changing the ban system.
  3. i've been banned using this script but the account was quashed.
  4. Im ready to be banned on multiple account for 1m cash! =D
  5. account got banned used only 2 days RIP was not suciding at abyss doing nats
  6. it worked now, not sure why the message poped out when i did the same thing yesterday
  7. but how do we get the spell without wield a staff? because when i wield the staff the message pops up
  8. How do u do Lost city i don't understand what the equipment pop up wants, i got the mage setup but it still have the pop up.
  9. They locked my account, i recovered it and its unbanned
  10. My main just got unbanned woot
  11. This worked my main just got unbanned woot.
  12. its been happening so much in recent years
  13. its around 150k per hour doing steel with gloves with stamina and if the bot is using stamina pots it occasionly makes iron ore instead of steel because of trips that takes 28 iron ore and 27 steel with vial @Khaleesi
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