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Everything posted by Xardason

  1. Wondering if anyone else was playing this or planning to get it, if so lets execute some people. https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/game/en-US/home/index.aspx
  2. Sorry for the late response @LSDOVE but me and @RoomScape got smoked out shortly after this post but we saved you a roach, sorry
  3. Do you ever just https://gyazo.com/401f90d0bc68e606d564212933e5f13f
  4. That is awesome. I will definitely be messaging you for more.
  5. Xardason

    top lol

    stop you are hurting my feelings!!!
  6. thats a great start but can you give me more of a crimson,gray,black look and a "A" where the "I" is in Xardison its Xardason
  7. Xardason

    top lol

    could we assume she is the child molester and child?
  8. I would be happy to receive an avatar graphic for free if you surprise me
  9. Yes im not really sure what it would be I was hoping someone can help me come up with a cool one for my name/
  10. Very well done and fast I like you coming back already lol, can you do me a profile avi?
  11. https://gyazo.com/20f533de9dfee7434bf0420853a414f5 https://gyazo.com/f6aab03e87068a628227ddfe429befed
  12. No problem a good acc for 30m offer I was going to give. Good mention on the pc too forget that sometimes
  13. https://gyazo.com/def86f4f51b9ccbeca672e489ea44a88 https://gyazo.com/372a7f14d05e34eedaf60976ce4b7b19
  14. Really bothersome how you guys just don't tell him to dispute and I can confirm it and he can send me the payment the right way it is really that simple..
  15. I am not going to pay him I will refund him and his tracking ID. I want to feel safe with my transactions so until he pays me without all the extra delivery details and requests. Like i said I can refund it now and he can re dispute for it I will not serve him. Not comfortable dealing with the hassle after he quits the site.
  16. Excuse me but how have I been going back and forth there were many pictures sent that dex removed for safety measures so im certainty not ranting on, i want this done and dealt with.
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