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R4nge Tank

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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. So i have my old main from 2004, that are mannualy perm banned. And i just heard you can appeal cases at jagex support page now. But appealing for mannualy banned account will get auto dinied, Is there anyway to get this account unbanned?
  2. Hey, can you make it not change spot so fast? doing barbarian fishing, and it change spot in less then 1 second when it switch spots.
  3. He got me like 250 points. and i want him to finish it.But seeing that he have been banned today. Im not sure i can trust him even if he come back. Unless it's a misunderstanding + hes offline on skype now so i dont know if he blocked me
  4. So yesterday i payed @jamez 27.5m to get me full void and all helms. Today when i log in he was banned on osbot. If he ever come back i want my cash back.' (hidden evidence)
  5. Yea or melle. but im 50att 50 str only.
  6. Hi how much would 1-70 or 75 def cost? im 80 range
  7. i dident, because i was gonna get 52 prayer. But got bored of the account. anyway. you want to buy it if we use mm?
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