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  1. If you think that it is complicated, then my boy. You have a lot ahead of you. Happy botting !!
  2. Curious as to an update on the project as well
  3. I'm sure that we will be out of a client for awhile. I just hope that we find a work around and all of our purchased scripts get transferred to the new client as well. It has me not wanting to purchase scripts atm for sure.
  4. I could be doing something wrong but the paint doesn't seem to be appearing for me @Czar
  5. In my experience, yes. You can continue to bot but I would be very sparing with the botting. You are now being watched closer and will face a permanent ban guaranteed now. Again that is my experience. If it is a main I probably just wouldn't not bot for a year, maybe start botting an alt and just play your main legitimately.
  6. This is all awesome feedback, appreciate the lot of you ! I'm still curious if anyone has experience botting after quashed bans. Personally I've bottled and account the ban has been quashed then started botting the same account a little over a year later, I received a second minor. Curious if anyone has had a similar experience.
  7. Hello all, I just wanted advice on botting after a previous 2 day ban(botting minor). It has been over a year and has been quashed. Does anyone know if it would be safe to bot moderately on the account this is a main account and I'd love to get the communities feedback. Will Jagex go straight to a perma ban? I play it a lot legitimately as well, but there are some tasks that I cannot stand grinding. Again asking for opinions. I do not need the "don't bot on it if you care about the account" replies, looking for experiences, thank you.
  8. Follow up, 2 months later. Still going on the same account
  9. As the title states I'm looking to buy 2b osrs gp, I've already had a rwt warning on the account over a year ago so I'm looking for the safest method possible. We can use a mm if needed, reply to thread or pm if necessary. Let's talk prices.
  10. Purchased as promised! I ran this basically trying to catch a ban and it didn't work achieved me desired con level
  11. @Czar I ran it for about 15hrs yesterday on a account that has recently received a two day ban. If it has not been banned within the next week, 100% buy.
  12. @Czar can I get a trial for this script (construction)? sorry my last request was vague, I thought I had replied to this post and not your main one.
  13. it looks like the fix worked, unfortunately after letting it go for 2 hours I received a ban the next day. maybe it wasn't the script but just food for thought.
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