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  1. I've purchased several scripts from both. Czar has much better support in my experience. He usually gets back to you in 1 or 2 days as with khal may take a week for a response and another week to attempt to fix an issue.
  2. @Khaleesi were you able to check it out ?
  3. @Khaleesi first of all congratulations . Second as long as you have 4 warm clothes and a Regen bracelet you will not need food. Bot looks pretty ridiculous with 10hrs in and keeping one piece of salmon in the inventory which it has never used no players actually do this.
  4. Purchased this script. Over a week with not even a response. .
  5. @Tom it is now just spamming the use ruby bolt tips on the bolts over and over again in a loop without actually crafting them. it also doesn't save the antiban settings when I "save" the settings
  6. @Tom The script will use the tips on the bolts but never clicks with widget to craft, also it just keeps clicking to use the bolts on the tips over and over again logger wasn't very useful
  7. Can we get ruby bolts added to this? @Tom
  8. @Khaleesi Is there a way to remove the scripts for food requirement? Since the update is here food is no longer "required" to survive consistently throughout wintertodt
  9. If you think that it is complicated, then my boy. You have a lot ahead of you. Happy botting !!
  10. Curious as to an update on the project as well
  11. I'm sure that we will be out of a client for awhile. I just hope that we find a work around and all of our purchased scripts get transferred to the new client as well. It has me not wanting to purchase scripts atm for sure.
  12. I could be doing something wrong but the paint doesn't seem to be appearing for me @Czar
  13. In my experience, yes. You can continue to bot but I would be very sparing with the botting. You are now being watched closer and will face a permanent ban guaranteed now. Again that is my experience. If it is a main I probably just wouldn't not bot for a year, maybe start botting an alt and just play your main legitimately.
  14. This is all awesome feedback, appreciate the lot of you ! I'm still curious if anyone has experience botting after quashed bans. Personally I've bottled and account the ban has been quashed then started botting the same account a little over a year later, I received a second minor. Curious if anyone has had a similar experience.
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