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Everything posted by BoysNoize
I have a super busy week, I'll get onto it this weekend.
It should appear if it's in the Scripts folder. Nope, not yet. I will get one when I get some more time.
It works for me, I'll try work out why it doens't work for you.
Interesting, I'll look into this.
Ty, enjoy. How so?
Ooo sweet will add that to the next version.
You can have a master bot and/or a slave bot. I'm going to rephrase everything in v0.2 to make things clearer. Essentially if a bot is a slave it just runs into the portal, dies to the master, eats food if needed. A master kills slaves. If you have a master and a slave bot, you don't have to click anything. If you have one or the other, you'll need to click. You can AFK train as a master and just have slaves running to you if you don't want to bot the account you're training btw.
I don't really have any accounts for getting proggies, most of mine are low level. I'll chuck a 30/30/30 against 5 slaves sometime in the next few days and get a proggie up. And yes, it will support any food.
True, ty.
Check this out.
Added some new features for v0.2: - Multiple slave support (v0.2) - Master eating (v0.2) - Master-vs-master training (v0.2)
1. A member (Method or data field) should be declared static when you want it to be a member of the class rather than a member of an instance of the class. For example, if we had an object called Ball, it has all of its internal object information (Size, bounciness, etc.). We might also want information such as how many Balls there are. A single ball object doesn't have the scope to see how many other balls there are, so instead, we might have a static counter to hold this information, which we can access through Ball.getCount(). This might help. 2. Might need to see the code to tell, usually you get them when you aren't handling generics correctly, but there might be cases I don't know about. 3. Not entirely sure what you mean by this. I assume you mean splitting functionality into different classes rather than putting all your functionality into a single class. There isn't really a definite point, it's more of a "feel" thing. If you feel like your code is getting difficult to manage, split it up. OO programming tells you that each class should perform a discrete task. of a young Steve Jobs talking about the OO approach, maybe it will help you in understanding when to divy up tasks.
Have a look at this. specifically the Java example. Looks like you could just take a message from chat, chuck it into a chatbot instance, and say the output. Note: Not sure how long this API will work for, as the company behind Cleverbot isn't super happy about it.
I occasionally play some dubstep, mostly the more mainstream stuff like Skrillex, Datsik, Excision, etc. I play bass music too like EPROM, G Jones, etc.
Thanks, let me know how it goes.
Script download added, go nuts.
boolean is a primitive type, which means its representation in memory is just a data value. Boolean is not a primitive type, it's a wrapper for boolean. Since it's not primitive, a Boolean is represented in memory as a pointer to a data value, or as many pointers to many different data values. When checking Booleans the value gets unwrapped, that is to say, the Boolean tries to get the primitive value stored at the location of the memory pointer which represents the boolean value attached to the Boolean. Java doesn't care so much, but you should care because Boolean can be null, whereas boolean can not be. Yup!
Commenting is the best thing ever, I see so many people not doing it and I wonder how they get anything done lol. I have a class with a few wee utility functions, one of which is sleep. public static void sleep(int maxSleep, int deviation, BooleanSupplier condition) { new ConditionalSleep(maxSleep, deviation) { @[member='Override'] public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return condition.getAsBoolean(); } }.sleep(); } Now I can just call ClassName.sleep(1000, 200, () -> myPlayer().isAnimating) for example.
Semantics look good to me. Try to keep your code looking clean, here's what it looks like fixed up. Check out the Java code conventions. See last answer. Yup! Make sure that your CSleep has conditionals which check all of the edge cases you can think of. Also, it's nice to make a cleaner CSleep function in another class so you can call something along the lines of sleep(Time, Condition). You are using states in some sense. When you're checking if your inventory is full, you're checking if you're in that state. Sometimes it's nice to make the states explicit for code readability. If you want to expand the script to be more complex, I'd advise using states. Yup, makes it a lot easier to manage everything.
Shoutout to @Howest for the idea.
BNClanWars After testing the original BNClanWars, I realised that training in the white portal is useless because you just get crashed by normies. Instead, I am switching this script over to a purple portal script, which will not be crashable. Unfortunately, this means that 3 accounts are required (One or more master to train, one or more slave to die, and one placeholder which stops the clan war from ending), which will require VIP. Since it requires VIP, I'm not going to bother releasing this as a local script, and instead will get it put on the SDN. DOWNLOAD REMOVED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS @Howest for giving me the idea for this script.
A gold farm needs to be fairly complex to be making decent money. Either you mass bot a low gp/hr thing with a SDN script or you get someone to make you a private script for a high gp/hr private method. If you choose to mass bot a low gp/hr thing, you're realistically going to have to automate muling, account creation, etc. If you choose to get a private script you can do it manually (Probably going to be painful af though) depending on the gp/hr.
All you guys using Sheets should check out IFTTT. I use a completely different method so I haven't delved too much into IFTTT for this kind of thing, but I've used it for a couple other things and it sounds like it could be beneficial.