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Everything posted by BoysNoize

  1. If you're running multiple bots from a VPN without proxies they're all going to have the IP of the VPN. If you're using VPNs for each instance then you're sweet, but if you've got multiple instances on one VPN use proxies.
  2. Good lord, I remember the days of botting with just a colour clicker. I always went off to school hoping to come back to good stats, but I'd always just come back to my guy sitting in lumby. Thank god for Alek.
  3. I wont go too far into how to implement it. Essentially, check config, perform some action(s) to transfer it to another config value.
  4. I knooow, was so stoked when I found there was a much easier way. No worries my friend.
  5. Am updating these as I script the quests. Wasn't sure whether to put this here or in snippets so move it if it's in the wrong place pls. Tutorial Island Sheep Shearer Cook's Assistant Romeo and Juliet
  6. Ah ok, there are ways you can make it more general. If you're always specifying an area, you can just walk to random points in the area and check for trees. If your area is x1=3096 y1=3210 x2=3142 y2=3220, you could just generate a random X to walk to between 3096 and 3142, and a random Y between 3210 and 3220. If you're not specifying an area, you could chuck in a parameter for the task to say "You can stray this far from the starting point", and then you could walk randomly anywhere in that area. Hardcoding is always going to be faster, but yeah, if you're trying to be more general this isn't a great solution.
  7. If you're cutting trees in a specific area, there's a couple things you could do: Hardcode the positions of the trees: Check distance to each of the positions to find closest, move to closest. Have the bot relocate to the centre of the area when it can't find any trees: You're never going to stray too far from the area, and you know you're always going to be near trees.
  8. Hey OSBot. I just graduated CompSci, and have been looking for something to make summer productive. Found OSBot and was intrigued by that nice looking API. Going to have a fully-auto farm up and running by the end of summer, and hopefully I'll have the time to make some private scripts for some of y'all. Pce
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