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  1. oh my bad i read what you said wrong, how do i bump up my mem?
  2. so your saying it's normal to have your frames drop so hard you can only catch 60 chins instead of 233 per hour unless you buy membership? what would buying membership do?
  3. the script does falconry with almost zero lagg but as soon as i bot salamanders or chins my frames drop so hard to the point where it collects less than 60 chins per hour? even with low cpu mode on
  4. could i get a trial pls?
  5. For the agility pyramid The next deadman mode season is less than 3 weeks away, can you please add an option to just loot the pyramid top each lap without having to sell it every lap, this will enable deadman mode players to actually use this script instead of us dying and losing all our gold. Since the pyramid tops are untradeable we are able to run back a pick them up if we die but as of right now the only option you have on this script is to "loot + sell" every lap which means anytime our bot dies we lose all the gold when we don't have to if you were to add an option to loot the pyramid top without selling it each lap. Please add this option before the next season starts in less than 3 weeks.
  6. I have been asking for over a month now, please add an option on the agility pyramid to just loot the pyramid top without having to sell it each lap so deadman mode players can actually use this awesome script, please.
  7. For the agility pyramid. the sooner you add the option to "just loot" instead of having loot + sell every lap the sooner i can start recommending this script to my deadman mode clan. (and banking pyramid tops at nardah would be very helpful for dmm) also the script doesn't currently support drinking jugs of wine which is what most dmm players use when doing the pyramid so it would be cool if you could add that too
  8. banking at Nardah would be great, but the main thing is it would need to be able to continue doing pyramid laps while looting the pyramid top without having to sell it each lap.
  9. yes but you have to consider the crazy fast xp rates on deadman mode, because it is 10xp you get 50-73 agility in like 2-3ish hours so you'll rarely ever fail the obstacles regardless of if you have a couple of pyramid tops in your inventory or not. because of how good money the pyramid is deadman mode players don't care if they have to run back manually, the script automatically runs there from the nardah carpet spot anyway so it doesn't take long. I personally love this script and used it last deadman mode season but was really frustrated when i would lose so much gp because there was no option to just "loot" without having to sell the pyramid top" each lap I also plan on recommending this script to many other friends who play deadman mode if you do plan on adding this option.
  10. does this script have the agility pyramid?
  11. For the agility pyramid The only option it has for looting the pyramid top is to "loot + sell." because of this it makes people lose lots of money in deadman mode because if they die they lose their cash since the pyramid top is untradeable if you make an option where you can just loot it and not have to sell it each time that means deadman mode players can run back and pick it up off the floor and not lose all the money to a pker. if you add an option where you can just loot the pyramid top without having to sell to the npc each lap it would make this script much more deadman mode friendly. please condisder adding this, thank you
  12. how do i buy the script? i don't see an option anywhere nvm i found it
  13. can i get a free trial pls
  14. can i please get a trial?
  15. it doesn't matter which area i'm in because i have tried every room, the problem is when i get attacked by the npc, my character won't even eat/drink the jugs of wine in my inventory or run, it just stands there and dies. It could be because jugs of wine aren't supported. I'm not sure what you mean by "logger" because i'm new to botting but the status says "run" when its being attacked but it makes no attempt to run at all. Also i can't get it to run for more than 2 minutes before the bot miss clicks and messes up, can you please try to fix so it runs more smoothly, thank you.
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