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Titan Rs

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Everything posted by Titan Rs

  1. Titan Rs

    66 Magic

    How much, ive got 2 that both have 25days mem left ? 66mage, 40raange, 30hp, 30str 30att
  2. 60att 80str 86 range 84mage. Two subquests away from mithril gloves 45pray. Got avas climbing boots magic cape etc. Basically a few hours from a nice tb account pure. I am 00 but couldnt give email as used for a lot of stuff. Oviously able to transfer to yours.
  3. If you botted on same ip its very unlikely youll get it back. If not try and say it was hijacked in support section
  4. Yer hunter is heavily watched, maybe try something else or pay someone to get you 63hunter and then start botting chins Theres a lot of good money makers out there
  5. 66? In the title
  7. Other stats? Nmz ready?. If so i would do 3.5m
  8. I have a £100pound weekly limit. However i think there is a way of getting rid of this. There fees of buying is like £4 per £100 and the you have to send a transaction fee. Im not sure how this compares to blockchain which i heard is also good
  9. Sowwy next time ill put you in Bold and massive font.
  10. I use coinbase and that works well for me.Just make a account and add a card.
  11. @IamBot @Tesla @Sysm @Master00j Think these guys are hiring. Check out there threads.
  12. TBH im not sure about the this one, i guess its a good starter main 70m -100m?
  13. Ye slayer lvl and max house is nice. Maybe more 99 mellee stats would be nice so if stackers or pvmers wanted to buy it it wouldnt need anywork, 94mage would be nice aswell
  14. I'll buy 100m, i would only be able to buy with PPal as only got £30 left in BTC ann already used £100 a week limit for card
  15. You Experience no difference between botting 1 account on 1 dedicated IP than 20 on 1?
  16. I've used a standard autoclicker 12h a day and its been fine for me with several accounts
  17. Hi guys. need 175m. Can only buy 125m of this with BTC as got £100 pound weekly limit so i'll buy the other 50m with PPal Only looking for trusted users or not going first
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