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1 Follower

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



broodjepanda's Feedback

3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr
Positive 0 0 0
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  1. Mysteryy left Positive feedback   

    Thanks! Looking forward to using this!

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  2. Rushomi left Positive feedback   

    Great gold trade, thank you!

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  3. Minions left Positive feedback   

    Sold me a Main account, had a almost non stop conversation with him, very nice and patient person! A++

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  4. OSRS Butlers left Positive feedback   

    Sold him 50M A++++

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  5. OSRS Butlers left Positive feedback   

    Very Sweet and Nice Talking to Customer! Polite and Paid up front with no hassle! A++

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  6. sirrs left Positive feedback   

    Very fast and absolutely secure

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  7. Diann left Positive feedback   

    Swapped his SDM . fast , tyvm

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  8. Tehgousch left Positive feedback   

    +rep sold him some tut accounts

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  9. NickGur69 left Positive feedback   

    Bought a gmauler.. Fast trade A+

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  10. harrypotter left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a private script, quick and easy to deal with. Thanks!

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  11. Jowsiej left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a bond, great buyer A+

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  12. idential left Positive feedback   

    did firecape for him, paid the money

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  13. Xerifos left Positive feedback   

    Bought a private script from me! Great person

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  14. IHB left Positive feedback   

    Did me services, cheers

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  15. Lucki left Positive feedback   

    returned me $50 after accidental overpay no problem

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  16. Jamez left Positive feedback   

    MM'd for him

    broodjepanda was Trading

  17. Lucki left Positive feedback   

    bought 50m pp quick and easy thanks boss

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  18. Han Bolo left Positive feedback   

    Got range up fast! on many accounts

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  19. Bigmain533 left Positive feedback   

    Did for me 2 Quests realy fast and trusted

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  20. Oliverboi left Positive feedback   

    Did lvling and quests again! Great guy +1

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  21. Oliverboi left Positive feedback   

    Did some quests and 1-18slayer +1

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  22. Sysm left Positive feedback   

    Did some NMZ accs ty

    broodjepanda was The Seller

  23. Sysm left Positive feedback   

    Made me nmz acc ;)

    broodjepanda was The Buyer

  24. sp3cpk left Positive feedback   

    Did horror from the deep quest! Fast and smooth :) THANKS

    broodjepanda was The Seller

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