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  1. Got me 99 fm on 2 accounts, both accounts no ban This script is a beauty
  2. Tzuyu

    Full graceful

    Need full graceful HAND DONE on an HCIM (level 3 agility currently) and has access to Canifis
  3. It is really slow at clicking at the log after selecting the knife, makes it bit less human Edit: opening crates feel sluggish as well
  4. I had the same blue screen, but restarting everything fixed it for me. Just get your mirror client going before opening osbuddy.
  5. - Mirror or regular client? Mirror - What course/rooftop? Pollivineach roof top - Which obstacle? Rough Wall / monkey bars Not really a bug, but sometimes the camera would change direction causing the bot not able to click on the rough wall. Also, would it be possible to make the bot directly click on the monkey bars instead of clicking on the minimap first? As clicking directly is more human like and faster. Other than that, everything works fine. Thanks
  6. Do u wipe standing or sitting? (after poop) I have always wipe standing up Is the toilet paper suppose to be above or under the roll? Its actually supposed to be over ^ toilet roll patent Do u pour milk before or after the cereal? After obviously.. Who pours before? Do you play rs bad or rs good (rs3 or ours) Bad.. real bad
  7. You are a free user.. What do you expect?
  8. Got to say.. this script is amazing.. Once the setup is done, everything runs fine Possible to make opening the chest smoother? The bot always walks around the chest before opening it (like make it click on the chest once it enters the room instead of the floor near the chest)
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