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Everything posted by Vap0r

  1. Currently working with Jordan about this, my account was hacked and a new ip from belluvue, washington which links to these accounts "kami" "dacamodude" "thebruins99" I am on my way home now where I can see what happened to my skype, I have gone ahead and changed my OsBot password and have changed my password.
  2. Vap0r

    Oak prices

    Im not killing the market, i sell oaks usually above average price, and if they do not sell then i make planks, simple as that. But someone decided to drop it down 20 gp in under 2 weeks -.- and I make 200m+ off of my F2p farm, which includes oaks yes.
  3. Vap0r

    Oak prices

    Whoever is killing oak prices, could you like.. not?
  4. Already opened a dispute, hopefully mods can get this taken care of before more are scammed. Thank you OP
  5. I have not been scammed nor do I know this person, but basing off the thread started here: patopal is a scammer on other fourms He is trying to buy GP from this site based off of his profile, please lets get this taken care of. Proof:
  6. No initial cost, in a realistic situation it is in the ball park of $100
  7. 200m daily with a f2p farm.
  8. bond price is more than 2.5m, the effort of training + buying bonds for each If you buying 100+ bots then 1m per
  9. @Molly I believe after runescape's update today the script is having issues once at saw mill it can't interact with the oak logs and gets stuck. Night's planker was like this aswell today.
  10. Best of luck my friend, If you need any assistance you got my skype just let me know!
  11. Im going to be doing more research after this weekend as ill be busy farming. Do you have any specific enviroment in which you'd like me to test? So far this is what I am going to test: -Starting creation and tutorial island at the exact same time every day (Noon) - This is when bans are at it's peak during the week day so manual running through would be a good test imo because Jagex's system is more than likely to pick it up during this time. -Different HWID's after each account -I will try spoofing HWID's as well -Will spoof MAC address after each as well
  12. Yeah definitely, add me on skype and i can go in a bit further details on testing and what not.
  13. If you would like, feel free to add my skype aj.pratt1 I can discuss some different scenarios I dont exactly wish to make public at the time.
  14. No I wouldn't say 100%, because other factors fit into the over all ban. On my automatic system I would say 85%+ is successful The only matching pattern i've seen with this system is the time of day bots were banned.
  15. About your theory, In order for a IP to be "black listed" I have noticed in my opinion it is very very rare unless it is a high amount of bans. Example: Ip 1: Casually makes 10-15 tuts accounts throughout a day, all get banned within 3 days as they later get used to farm Ip 2: Makes tut accounts 24/7, It took about 120+ bans before I noticed changed in the amount of creation bans. As far as the deep freeze, I havn't done this via the tut testing, but my own system (My automatic F2p farm) it works perfect
  16. Hopefully this thread is informational enough to get the brain spinning and maybe creating your own way to "bypass" these locks/bans
  17. Great another sys admin So here is what I recommend, this is just the enviroment I set up myself for tuts I have just a standard HP prolite enterprise server I use KVM and create a live environment per every VM we have, so once the session is over everything is wiped (kind of like deep freeze) Most likely Jagex is tracking the proxy ip itself, maybe using an API to look up the ISP details, If they can confirm it is a data center IP they lock This is why most VPN's and public VPS server's ips are instantly locked. The VM route is the easiest, whichever VM you prefer.
  18. You stated you used rotating data center ips? What is the success rate out of 100 accounts? Out of 1000? Since you're using a VPS you can do OS reinstalls remotely which will wipe all data (If runescape plants files on the machine) This machine that has high failure rates, have you tried doing an OS Reinstall ? Have you noticed improved results? ps. - Great avatar
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