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  1. Ah, there is! My apologies. I just went straight to the progressive & never looked at the other tabs. I assumed if I turned on the progressive leveling the other tabs were no longer useful. I will have to go over the original post & re-read it.
  2. Using the bot to get the levels up for diaries & it's great so far. One thing I'd like to request for the script though : Could you add an option to have the mouse leave the window when it's not doing anything? Other than that progressive mode is awesome.
  3. Knew it would be fixed when I came back
  4. Solid so far. I bought it yesterday & I used it for an hour. Went from 1-15 in that time. I'm only using the script to get my total level up on an account, no real goals with it.
  5. Really like this script. bought it, used it immediately for four hours & it went extremely well.
  6. Don't give up! Just start making more accounts & maybe switching things up. Or you could make new accounts while the ones are at Zulrah so if/when the Zulrah accounts get banned you have the backups ready.
  7. How?! This quest always takes me atleast an hour!
  8. That honestly sounds like a pretty good idea if you were early in on the idea. Especially with P2P.
  9. I'm 24 & work at a financial firm after college. Worth it, but people in the firm are very old school so dealing with them sucks. Everyone waits till the last second & then want it done then & now. Other than that, life's great.
  10. That seems just kind of silly. So when another new major update comes out I'll have to buy the scripts for a third time? I should have to buy the script once & that's that.
  11. Hello, I haven't logged into my account in a long while & when I logged on this time, I noticed my account is missing all of the scrips that I bought in previous years. I have receipt numbers from PayPal to prove I bought them. I looked in the FAQ but the link is dead. I've attached an image showing what I am speaking of. Hopefully this is the correct section. Thanks,
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