hello i recently purchased your script for tab making this week and i noticed a problem, i love the script and i work around it atm but, when using the demon butler on mirror mode, when it sends him to bank for more clay, while he is gone it spams call servant, under the options menu, a normal player wouldn't do that every single time the butler leaves for the bank, i understand that being a good option for when the script starts or when butler walks away but if he has been sent to bank, it should relies that hes going to be right back without spamming call servant, just giving you a heads up because i could see that raising a flag, ive been using unnote mode in rimmington because of that, if it is an easy fix ide really appreciate it man, being that using the butler is the fastest tab method, or if you look into this and see that calling servant shouldn't pose a problem let me know then too, i just want your opinion on this, thank you so much!!! love the script!! i will be buying more of them, i currently use your pest control script aswell