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  1. i think im still being charged for this script and i havnt used it in over a year, actually im sure i am. i cannot find a source to cancle this via my account, could you please void my purchase or cancel this for me, im not asking for a refund just no more payments being charged to my card please, thank you very much
  2. yacn

    Stealth Quester

    the pitate one from RFD
  3. yacn

    Stealth Quester

    hey man just wanted to let you know i got banned using that trail yesterday, it was all my fault, i started the script, then fell asleep so i couldnt baby sit it at all. i wokle up 6 hours later witch my guy in lumby stuck, but had a shit ton of quests done. im perm banned at 91 agility, i was planning on babysitting it the whole time to avoid this but i fell asleep, again, the script is fine, it was my careless of amount of hours ran that gave it away,
  4. yacn

    Stealth Quester

    Hey man, could you reset my auth please, if you check you'll notice i haven't used it at all, i haven't even used osbuddy client since the 29th, i work weekends as a valet so i didn't play this weekend, i would normally not ask someone to re auth even if i didn't play, but this script is 20$ and will be a commitment for me at this time, so i want to ensure it will work for me on Deadman mode before buying it, i know it'll work for quests like restless ghost but its the ones that are a little longer than im worried about, thank you, i wont open the trial you gave me yesterday until you respond to this message. i just wanted to be clear that i'm not taking advantage of you man, ive bought 6 scripts already and yours wont be the last, ill assure you of that.
  5. yacn

    Perfect Agility AIO

    could i please trail this, im currently using your fishing script, i just bought that, i will buy this too if the trial goes as well as the fishing one did
  6. yacn

    Stealth Quester

    Hey your script looks absolutly great, could i please do a trial. if it works. i have no problem paying 20$ and i will have all my botting buddys take a look at this aswell, quests are my weakness, thanks ahead of time!!!! Hey question!!! is there a list of items for all the quests, other than looking them up quest by quest, im playing deadman mode right now and there is no GE, so im going to buy all the items necessary and put them into a tab then run it, i figure if it has all the items already hopefully it will still run, hence why i really wanted to trial the script before buying it, im trying to make this happen, worst case senerio ill use it on my 2007 account after i buy it, but my deadman account is what im really looking to use it with. dangerous or not, i have a good plan on how to get it done on DMM
  7. hi will this support tree gnome fishing? i play dmm and fish there alot for pike and salmon, and i bank it because its very very close but the bank is up a ladder east of fishing spot by like 20 tiles, im going to like your page for free trial please let me know if tree gnomes supported, or maybe ill find out with free trial, either way thank you so much for the hard work put in
  8. hello i recently purchased your script for tab making this week and i noticed a problem, i love the script and i work around it atm but, when using the demon butler on mirror mode, when it sends him to bank for more clay, while he is gone it spams call servant, under the options menu, a normal player wouldn't do that every single time the butler leaves for the bank, i understand that being a good option for when the script starts or when butler walks away but if he has been sent to bank, it should relies that hes going to be right back without spamming call servant, just giving you a heads up because i could see that raising a flag, ive been using unnote mode in rimmington because of that, if it is an easy fix ide really appreciate it man, being that using the butler is the fastest tab method, or if you look into this and see that calling servant shouldn't pose a problem let me know then too, i just want your opinion on this, thank you so much!!! love the script!! i will be buying more of them, i currently use your pest control script aswell
  9. hey just liked the page, could i have a trial please, i was thinking about buying it, im making tabs by hand atm and am very interested,
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