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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Got my account to 43 prayer with this script, my only complaint is that if there is less than 28 bones in the bank the script will not withdraw them and just logout.
  2. I've gotten to 55 agility so far and have only had a few problems. Sometimes the script will get stuck at the beginning of the draynor and falador start, but other than that it's a great script.
  3. dorsai67

    Explv's Walker

    This script is so useful! I'm very lazy and it helps me get to places fast and easy with zero effort.
  4. I haven't had any problems with the script so far, I'm only at 55 atm though.
  5. I've gotten 80 cooking on an account so far and have had no issues, great script.
  6. Konduit has it for free and OSBuddy has it with pro. Both also have the 2010 interface.
  7. Won't dance. I am on the emote panel.
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