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About Milo

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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Hey, I'm looking to sell my personal OSRS account; I don't play runescape anymore and would like to buy a SSD for my new gaming rig. I am the original owner of this account and the only person who has ever logged into it. No bans or any other offenses. STARTING BID: 100M A/W: 175M Payment method: OSRS GP or Paypal from Trusted Users Middleman upon request
  2. as far as i know you can only pull an ip through a skypecall - can easily be done by looking at your network activity during call
  3. I just expierenced this too, don't know if its ddos or if its just coincidence - never been booted off my modem until now though
  4. When they go back up, please post here. I'll keep my eye open too.
  5. Are the login servers down for OSRS?
  6. this is exactly what i meant, thank you
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