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Posts posted by THS

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ayylmao420 said:

    When you get invalid password, it means your account is deleted, literally, deleted, have happened to me couple times.

    Very good point, not sure why I didn't think of that.

    26 minutes ago, kazemaru said:

    umm nice to hear that.

    but for me is making new accounts not worth it :D

    Yeah, situational. I usually end up making them while I watch tv shows, can do it blind holding space bar in 5mins lol.

    5 minutes ago, nosepicker said:

    Kinda strange regarding that deleting data about banned accounts would be insanely unwise.

    Yeah it's interesting, but I'm sure they've retrieved enough from what I'm doing.


    Crazy stuff, thanks for the insight! Hope this sheds some light if it happens to someone else :P

  2. 8 minutes ago, kazemaru said:

    ah that

    well ive had some locks on fresh accounts that i even handmade it was really weird.

    lately jagex is doing weird shit with tutor accounts

    These accounts are at least a month old, I don't get locks.

    Try this thread


  3. 13 minutes ago, Magerange said:

    Are they your accounts? If you bought them, perhaps seller messed up and re-sold already sold ones...?



    10 minutes ago, kazemaru said:

    i've had this few times when i bought tutor accounts from new people.

    but they were already banned so yea :D

    I should have mentioned, my accounts, I created them.

    Nothing to do with acc creation bans/locks, done manually on a residential IP/OSBuddy

  4. Has anyone ever had their password changed instead of being banned?


    I just had 4 accs farming last 2 days, 2 got a ban overnight, 1 got a delayed ban on login, and the 4th claimed I was getting the password wrong.

    This is impossible considering I have everything on CLI and hotkeys + a spreadsheet.


    The only conclusion I can come to is, whoever looked at my shit quickly before dropping the hammer felt like trolling


    someone hacked/recovered/changed password on an account that has no registered email and was made with a fake one at registration.




    P.S, yes I make all of my accounts.

  5. 5 hours ago, DoraTheExploda said:

    you think so? I've experimented alot with air orbers and it doesnt matter how long you bot, when you bot. If you have a brand new account with 66 magic and lets say some defence and hp levels its gonna get banned before even breaking even. hell,  paying 3m extra on top of a bond; ur gonna lose money. splashing to 66 costs roughly 1.2m and u cast them on defence mode with a fighter script at cows so u get hp and defence, takes 2 nights of botting. What math thing homie?

    It doesn't matter how much you've experimented, when the rate of bans is irrelevant to the price.

    3m + roughly 1.2m. You just did the math lol.

    Acc with bond + stats =/= cost of bond.

  6. 7 hours ago, Vap0r said:

    Im going to be doing more research after this weekend as ill be busy farming.

    Do you have any specific enviroment in which you'd like me to test?

    So far this is what I am going to test:

    -Starting creation and tutorial island at the exact same time every day (Noon) - This is when bans are at it's peak during the week day so manual running through would be a good test imo because Jagex's system is more than likely to pick it up during this time.
    -Different HWID's after each account 
    -I will try spoofing HWID's as well
    -Will spoof MAC address after each as well


    Just added you on skype, we can talk out of prying eyes :>

  7. 53 minutes ago, TheSwan said:

    Yeah and I'v not had a single ban for weeks, just giving everyone a heads up, take your negative response and sit on it with no lube bro. How bout that? ??

    You ok?

    Take it as a positive if you've had no bans boyo :)

    • Like 1
  8. Very informative thread @Lewis, just spent a while reading through everything.

    Personally, what I do does not require a large churn out of accounts every day so I'm happy to make 3-4 every couple of days manually. And as you can probably assume, I do this on my own IP through OSBuddy as if it were just another person making another account. I gave up entirely on getting past the locks (and buying accounts), because of some conclusion someone posted about a while ago.

    For the life of me I can't remember where it was, but it was along the lines of what you were saying here

    13 hours ago, Vap0r said:

    Most likely Jagex is tracking the proxy ip itself, maybe using an API to look up the ISP details, If they can confirm it is a data center IP they lock

    This is why most VPN's and public VPS server's ips are instantly locked.

    I bookmarked the service they provided, so as an example, here https://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip2-precision-insights


    I think there definitely can be a science to this, I've done my own testing aswell, but there are a shitload of factors you have to consider and it's great that you're going through them in a systematic way. Don't listen to half these twats that aren't even reading anything before they open their mouths. I'm sure you and @sudoinit6 could find a solution between the two of you.

    Speaking of, that problem you posed with the two machines with different success rates, that really threw me off. As if there is some sort of internal factor on your machine effecting it, more room for incompetency/lag maybe?


    Either way, respect the hu$tle. Keep at it.

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