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Everything posted by 01053

  1. I'm currently botting multiple accounts upwards of 18 hrs / day, with my own private NMZ Script have gained roughly ~200m xp so far I level accounts and sell them - not to mention have yet to have a single ban.
  2. Same issue as this guy anyone have any clue as to why this is happening?
  3. Nice work - Just a simple suggestion however in the future instead of doing this; btnStart.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { if(chckbxDrinkSuperRestores.isSelected()) { drink_restores = true; } drink_at = Integer.parseInt(textField.getText()); gui_COMPLETE = true; } }); You can simplify this into btnStart.addActionListener(e -> { if (chckbxDrinkSuperRestores.isSelected()) drink_restores = true; drink_at = Integer.parseInt(textField.getText()); gui_COMPLETE = true; });
  4. From my understanding the only time you receive a 2 day ban is when it's a manual ban otherwise it's a permanent ban. Could be wrong though.
  5. Any chance you guys could quote me on a pure with the NMZ quests completed (1 prayer) stats should be 40 att 80 str 80 range.
  6. I'd honestly suggest paying for a private script, using an over-used script is the main reason people get banned as fast as they do. I've written all of my own scripts and run 2 accounts for around ~18 hours a day have maxed like 8 pures now and still yet to have an account banned.
  7. Good to hear :). Feel free to post your proggy's.
  8. You can decompile the jar and check the code for yourself if you like using this website: http://www.javadecompilers.com/
  9. So this is my first script I've written, I was going to keep it for my own personal use but I thought I'd share it here. I may continue updating it if people like it and add on additional features but we'll see how we go. If you have any ideas or anything you would like changed/added feel free to express that here and I'll consider it! Features: World Hopping (must toggle it in the GUI and select how many players in the region before hopping) Hops from Dwarfs multicannon whether you have world hopping toggled or not. Banking (When out of food it will teleport back to camelot and bank withdrawing food + 1 tab) Walking (Walks from Camelot bank to East Crabs as long as it meets the conditions has food / tab) Resets Crabs Requirements: Have lobsters in the bank and bank tabs (preferably in the same tab next to each other) Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/xdkzbm
  10. I'm surprised people charge so cheap for this tbh, I've done it 4x on obby pures for myself takes around 4-5 days. Also you will want to melee majority of your tasks if you don't want to use too much range/mage xp, most tasks can be melee'd it's just very slow and tedious.
  11. Hey thanks for the reply. I'll give it a try.
  12. Hi, I've noticed my script after walking to one of the dormant crabs on the far eastern side of the East side of rock crabs it kind of just gets stuck in that area and spams the logger with this, any help or ideas would be awesome. Here's the code. package task.impl; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import Wrapper.Timing; import script.RockCrab; import task.Task; public class FindCrab extends Task { @Override public boolean activate() { if (!RockCrab.Instance.combat.isFighting() && !RockCrab.Instance.myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { return true; } return false; } @Override public void execute() { NPC rock = RockCrab.Instance.getNpcs().closest("Rocks"); if (rock != null) { RockCrab.Instance.getCamera().toEntity(rock); rock.hover(); RockCrab.Instance.getWalking().webWalk(rock.getPosition()); } Timing.waitCondition(() -> RockCrab.Instance.myPlayer().isMoving(), 1000); } } I don't feel I need to be spoon fed just a push in the right direction if I'm doing something wrong =). Also I've tried the walking#walk method also same issue. Image below of issue: https://gyazo.com/596f7031657fd2521fb5b38a50e41e7c
  13. - Script name: Pest Control - trial length: 24 hours - Reason for trial: Looking to make sure everything runs smoothly before purchase. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script?: Sure I will.
  14. isUnderAttack() checking if the health percent is below 100 will likely fail in most situations depending on your defence / whether the npc deals damage.
  15. After looking over it I found one issue not relevant to that code but care to explain? thanks int randomWorld = random.nextInt(worlds.length); getWorlds().hop(randomWorld); Should have been int randomWorld = random.nextInt(worlds.length); getWorlds().hop(worlds[randomWorld]); Was tired when I did this last night
  16. It chooses a random index# from private int[] worlds = { 1, 8, 16, 26, 35, 82, 83, 84, 93, 94 }; And hops to whatever world it chooses I've also tried using the getWorlds().HopToF2PWorld(); function and that too sometimes goofs like as if it 'clicks' the world but doesn't hop and then it just sits there.
  17. Thank you I'll look into it. If anyone needs to do this also: for (int i = 1; i < 28; i++) { getMouse().click(getInventory().getMouseDestination(i + 1)); } works probably a better way of doing it though but yeah. Edit: Edited op with a new question.
  18. Lol if your talking about the openDelay I added that because it was spam clicking boxes and I didn't like it. so no that has nothing to do with it thank you though.
  19. So I'm having issues with world hopping, It seems it still tries to hop to p2p worlds even though I've given it set worlds to hop to and basically at this point it just causes the script to break. import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Tab; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; import com.sun.glass.events.KeyEvent; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; @ScriptManifest(name = "Rune Pack Buyer", author = "01053", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "") public class Shopping extends Script { public Timer timer; private long buyDelay; private State state; private int npcId = 637; private int packId = 12732; private int buying; private int[] worlds = { 1, 8, 16, 26, 35, 82, 83, 84, 93, 94 }; Random random = new Random(); public enum State { TRADING, BUYING, OPENING } public State getState() { if (!getStore().isOpen() && buying <= 0) { return State.TRADING; } if (getStore().isOpen()) { return State.BUYING; } if (!getStore().isOpen() && getInventory().contains(packId) && buying > 0) { return State.OPENING; } return State.TRADING; } private boolean hop; public void execute() throws InterruptedException { state = getState(); switch (state) { case TRADING: /*if (getStore().getAmount(packId) <= 57) { int randomWorld = random.nextInt(worlds.length); getWorlds().hop(randomWorld); buying = 0; hop = false; }*/ NPC npc = (NPC) getNpcs().closest(npcId); if (npc != null) { if (npc.interact(new String[] { "Trade" })) { log("Trading shopkeeper"); new ConditionalSleep(5500, 6000) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getStore().isOpen(); } }.sleep(); } } break; case BUYING: if (System.currentTimeMillis() - buyDelay < 1000) { return; } if (getStore().getAmount(12732) <= 57 && !getInventory().contains(12732)) { int randomWorld = random.nextInt(worlds.length); getWorlds().hop(randomWorld); buying = 0; hop = false; } if (getInventory().isFull()) { getKeyboard().pressKey(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); buying++; } Item rune = getStore().getItem(packId); if ((rune != null) && (getStore().getAmount(packId) > 54)) { getStore().buy(packId, 10); log("Buying Rune Packs"); hop = false; buyDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); } break; case OPENING: if (hop && getStore().getAmount(12732) <= 57 && !getInventory().contains(12732)) { int randomWorld = random.nextInt(worlds.length); getWorlds().hop(randomWorld); buying = 0; hop = false; } if (getInventory().contains(packId) && !getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY)) { getKeyboard().pressKey(KeyEvent.VK_F1); } for (int i = 1; i < 28; i++) { getMouse().click(getInventory().getMouseDestination(i + 1)); hop = true; } break; } } @[member='Override'] public void onStart() { timer = new Timer(0L); log("Rune Pack BUYING Script Initiating."); } @[member='Override'] public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { execute(); return 100; } Color color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 85); @[member='Override'] public void onPaint(Graphics2D gr) { gr.setColor(this.color); gr.fillRect(56, 355, 198, 100); gr.setColor(Color.GREEN); gr.setFont(new Font("Ariel", 0, 20)); gr.drawString("Script by: 01053", 75, 436); gr.setFont(new Font("Ariel", 0, 14)); gr.drawString("Time Elapsed: " + Timer.format(timer.getElapsed()), 61, 372); gr.drawString("State: " + getState(), 62, 397); gr.setColor(Color.BLACK); } }
  20. Could I get a trial please?
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