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Everything posted by Gildarts

  1. The US Government is corrupt beyond belief, but I don't believe that some sort of national government plot is taking place. It's just a minor impasse, and it's happened before. I don't trust the government at all, but to think that they are trying to turn it into some sort of Nazi Germany (no offense intended) is a bit far-fetched IMO.
  2. Gildarts

    BETA v1.7.51

    One of your scripts may be corrupt.Try to delete the ones you last added, one by one, until the problem is resolved. Can you link me to that script or where to get it?? Looks preaty good That is a script made in SuperScript Factory. You can get it here: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/88-gmc-superscript-factory/ Restart your client a few times.It should work after that. OT: Thanks much Maxi for the much needed updates!
  3. Sell the Amazon credit for RSGP and then buy a membership pin. (not sure if this is possible, just an idea)
  4. Glad the issue was resolved, are you getting these errors anymore?
  5. @@Sherlock Hmm, according to this section in the official Rules for OSbot... 12. Market It is not allowed to tear apart a market thread. If someone wants to sell an account for $50, then it is not needed to post things like 'too expensive, wouldn't even buy for $20'. It is rude and unwanted. If you're not interested, then simply don't reply. To me it sounds like we wouldn't be allowed to argue in a thread about a price or the account in the market section, why tell members to go ahead and do it?? You are allowed to argue in a market thread, as long as the price you give is realistic. Nonsense bids and commentary are not allowed. Shouldn't that rule be re-written then? The way it is at the moment, sounds as if we can't post anything on the thread unless it's saying I'd like to buy it? For what other reason would you want to post in the thread? As of now, you can post saying that you'd like to buy it or you can make a post with a reasonable price in attempt to lower it/raise it. I just don't see any other viable post options that don't constitute as off-topic/spam.
  6. The rule is that members are supposed to make a thread about selling their account, and then link the thread in chat. Any arguments about the account should take place in the thread, not the chat. Thanks for notifying staff about this issue. If it's seen again in the chat, they will be told to argue about it in the thread.
  7. I'd be your friend, but I don't play anymore. :\
  8. Gildarts

    BETA v1.7.39

    Great! Thanks much Laz & the dev team!
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