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Everything posted by bigboy

  1. Hi can I get a trial pls ty
  2. - Did you just sit on some sugar? Because you gotta sweet ass. ;) - Hey girl, is your name Google? Because you got everything I'm searching for. ;) - Hey girl, feel my sweater. Know what it's made of? Boyfriend material. ;)
  3. I've been fishing since I could walk hahah. I remember back in the day when I was like 5, I would have some line attached to a can with a hook at the end and I would fish with that. ^_^ One of my fondest memories
  4. -Own a business of some sort that supplies an item that's in high demand, or offers some sort of service -Become a Marine Biologist working in the fisheries: repairing habitats, studying and discovering parts and depths of the ocean and sea life. -Wouldn't mind being a pornstar -Work in an area whereas self esteem is gained rather than loss, with little or no stress. -Professional fisherman
  5. bigboy

    I am back bby

    Welcome back Ely! Hope all is well
  6. Sad to hear man, Recruit me to your services ;)
  7. Best of luck on the staking man I'd enjoy seeing progress pics on stakes as well ^_^
  8. Sounds about right, but i'm sure there's still other factors into why people get banned.
  9. Not an easy task, nonetheless, Good Luck
  10. are you a victim of luring
  11. Helpful towards people who are starting to gold farm. helpful guide mate
  12. Good shit man, I heard people use DMT to find out certain answers within themselves? Have you ever heard of that?
  13. bigboy


    Welcome back Mysteryy I'm lookin' forward into trying out that script ;)
  14. Welcome to OSbot How many accounts do you play/bot? 1 for now ^_^ How do you pay for multiple accounts if you have them? Bonds Do you even PLAY 07scape? On daily pking
  15. #EatTheWholeAss LOL The video is just so bad, ahahah.
  16. Started rs during my 5th grade year back in 05. Was about 10/11 years of age, I'm now 19 going on 20 in October and a HS graduate
  17. I had fun watching the bugs hahaha.
  18. Lol. Welcome to OSbot Mizuki. Feel free to shoot me a message anytime ;)
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