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Everything posted by Bauer428

  1. hey guys im going oot soon and was hoping someone would be able to work on 61-69 slay and 75-76 agil for me, post quotes for me, trusted only will be getting slay since most likely u need bank access. post quotes for each plz
  2. Why not do bard fishing to 99 str? Prob will be cheaper.for.you
  3. 14gp/exp if its sand crabs
  4. also paid kristian 2.5m for half the firecape service upfront
  5. I don't need to consider anything you piece of shit. He's a good dude. Trying to promote good people.he's temp banned.his skype was compromised going to do a firecape for me and things happened.and he's repaying me.but sounds like your a douche bag so you should just do a fire cape yourself.
  6. Willing to do this for 10m now.will have done asap. Got cleaned and need to rebuild.
  7. I understand where your commin from tho.
  8. All the items were just traded over to his acc. I checked g.e. history and all was bought was a cleaning cloth to clean mix off whip. I have a pic of me at nmz before he was gunna do the firecape When I had dh on. But can't see fury or zerker ring.
  9. I mean. I know I'm kinda screwed here as well. There are things I can't provide. Iike amount of bulk items, like 129k feather I had banked for 99 fishing that I had cancelled from jamez not to long ago, I had 10k yews logs in bank to start fletch since I just hit 99 mage, 2 inferno sets(hit 99 firemaking last night as well) Rune pouch, cannon balls for slay, amounts of food I had for wintertodt and slayer, the amount of bolt racks I had to have Kristian do slayer, etc
  10. I sent all missing items to Kristian via skype. In pics. Which he has, also hacker dropped my torso and Dragon defender I'll upload what I can now
  11. If you need this done I can start now and can do it cheaper.need all the services I can get to rebuild my bank that just got hacked by another firecaper
  12. I have bank pics of the item slots the hacker was so kind to leave for me. I changed pass before he did dropped everything. I had forwarded them to Kristian other skypemail. I don't have proof for the 51m cash stack I had, most wealth I can prove was the pic I forwarded to Kristian of me getting 99 mage with I think it was 40m in my inv with nats mage longs and cash
  13. Other uploads were too big. I'll post when I get home...tried taking pics with phone
  14. Not sure what is going on but Kristian is telling me his skype is hacked and basically someone was watching our convo on skype and when I sent him my info for firecape to be done someone logged on before her and cleaned me.rip 80m give or take. I'll have to add it up when I get home, currently on my phone and will add more detail when I can.just wanTed to get this posted asap http://osbot.org/forum/user/84828-kristian628/
  15. 80m barb fishing, hand done. (You get free agility and str exp)
  16. 11 gp exp for both Cody.cmb is my skype
  17. If you took roughly 2.5 -3 seconds you could seeven everywhere they are about 200-300m. Depending on seller
  18. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.meme.am%2Finstances%2F56406537.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmemegenerator.net%2Finstance%2F56406537&docid=_kd_hHZKbG-a5M&tbnid=i_i96qh06zt0XM%3A&vet=1&w=400&h=400&client=ms-android-verizon&bih=560&biw=360&ved=0ahUKEwiKzsGF34_QAhUI9GMKHbZWCBYQMwhKKCAwIA&iact=mrc&uact=8
  19. Ah gottcha. Trying to figure out what reqs I need if I buy a zulrah acc Thanks
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