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  1. I experience the script becoming stuck after performing a break. Once Osbot runs the first break and logs back in, the script spams preparing for break event in the logger but never actually resumes the script.
  2. The script breaks for me after trying to resume from a break. It spams preparing for a break in the logger, but never resumes the script. Nvm, I read your response to this problem from a few pages back. I'm assuming clientside breaks are still broken.
  3. How do make the script afk every once in a while? I see there is an "afk mode" but when I check it my guy just sits there and afk's and will never attack. The timer counts from 0 to 30 and resets and he stands there forever. I need the script to randomly take little afk breaks to seem more humanlike.
  4. Hey can I get a trial for this script? Thanks.
  5. Hey. Just purchased ur fighting script. It's awesome! Can I get a trial for this? Will most likely buy this as well. Thanks
  6. Hey could I get a trial for this? Thanks man
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