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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/103631-agility-team-capes-rooftop-agility-grace-marks-supported/
  2. if hes not already pm me ur skype and i will. would also like to use mm if possible
  3. you're all wrong. it's clearly gonna be me. i cant sell accounts yet, but ur damn right ill be a mod
  4. @Charlotte already promised to help, though, so I think I'm set on those grounds. I'm grateful for all those that were willing to help me so much. I really appreciate the support though, guys. Thanks!
  5. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/100862-bank-closest-to-entity/ ^ This is a very useful snippet from @LoudPacks that allows you to get the bank closest to your player. I just input the enum privately inside of a class called 'Banker' and made the methods of the enum into methods of the class. Seems like you're new, so here's a great resource that @Explv made that has been incredibly useful to me since I found it. http://explv.github.io/ <-- Gets you the positions for Areas, Positions, etc. Very useful. private Area myBank; private Position initialPos; //have them start the script in the right location. //Or you could just input an Area if your script is already centered in a specific location private final Area wcArea = new Area(8, 9, 10, 11); @[member='OverRideCwalk'] public void onStart() { myBank = new Banker().closestTo(myPlayer()); initialPos = myPlayer().getPosition(); } @[member='OverRideCwalk'] public void onLoop() throws InterruptedException { getWalking().walk(myBank.getRandomPosition(); //walk to closest bank //~~~~~~~~~ banking code to implement ~~~~~~~~~~ getWalking().walk(initialPos); //or if you want to walk back to an area: getWalking().walk(wCArea.getRandomPosition()); }
  6. I'm releasing an agility script, which I plan to release on the SDN for free once I obtain access to the github (sent around 1 week ago, so I'm expecting it soon). Currently, I have the following courses running flawlessly: Draynor, Al-kharid, Varrock, Canifis, Falador, Camelot/Seers http://osbot.org/forum/topic/103631-agility-team-capes-rooftop-agility-grace-marks-supported/ But, my account isn't high enough agility to reach the Rellekka, Ardougne, or Pollniveach courses, and it would take an incredibly long time to train. So, I'd appreciate it if anyone would help me test this for the benefit of the community. TL;DR: I'm Releasing free SDN agility script and need to test/debug high level rooftop courses (Rellekka, Ardougne, Pollniveach), but my account can't. Looking for an account that can test these courses for community benefit. Thanks!
  7. glad to see you with a good attitude your friend advised you wrong. forums have rules. aint hard to recover an account. theres a reason why you couldnt make your own thread in the accounts section so you had to try to scam here instead. cya kiddo
  8. already showing that great OSBot spirit that we crave here so much! glad to see it oh cool i'd like to see the records of that on this website. bet you had a lot of happy customers from here. guess that means it's totally impossible to recover like those other 6 accounts you 'sold'
  9. then go on those other sites. personally, i think that it's incredibly obvious that you're going to just recover the account, then be okay with getting banned. regardless, the rules are that you have 100 post count. no exceptions for 'a few vouches on other sites'
  10. you need 100+ post count. its sketchy as hell though that you're trying to sell with a new acc and like 3 post count.
  11. I was wondering if maybe someone that's good with graphics would be able to throw together a quick paint for me? I tried making my own, and to be honest, it looks pretty bad. I'd really appreciate any help I could get. If you feel like helping, I'll give you a shoutout once the script comes out on SDN. It just needs to show basic things: Time ran, script state, marks earned (like on agility courses), current level, and xp per hour. I'd really appreciate any help! Thanks!
  12. Brackets are good form for if/elses but they're not necessary if theres only like 1 line in code. if (a == b) { ~~~~~; } is effectively the same as if(a ==b) ~~~~~~~;
  13. Thanks to everyone on support!
  14. Currently Flawless Courses: Gnome Agility Course Draynor Al-Kharid Varrock Canifis Falador Seer's Village / Camelot Pollniveach (Currently untested) Rellekka Ardougne (Untested) Picks up Grace Marks Paint shows time ran, XP per hour, XP gained, Script status Start it up, plug in your course, and get that graceful set! RELEASED ON SDN FOR FREE The listed cities (Gnome Agility Course, Draynor, Al-Kharid, Varrock, Canifis, Falador, Camelot/Seers, Pollniveach) should all work flawlessly. If you DO encounter a bug, tell me in this thread, or PM me, and I'll fix it as soon as possible. EDIT LOG: Quotes: BUG REPORT FORM If you don't provide enough information in your bug report, you will be disregarded! The course the bug is on: A brief description of the bug: Picture of where the bug occurs (helpful, if possible): Picture of the logger when the bug occurs: The obstacle before the bug: The obstacle after the bug: KNOWN BUGS 1. This script is completely tested with the highest zoom! Sometimes, if not on that level of zoom, the script will have problems clicking the obstacles. Your zoom bar should look like this (in the settings tab): 2. Using Low CPU Mode on the OSBot client has caused bugs in the past. Disabling it might help the script if you're experiencing issues Last picture courtesy of @kekses !
  15. If you don't know any Java at all, codecademy was where I started. It teaches you the basics pretty well. If you already know some Java, maybe skip right to: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/ http://osbot.org/forum/topic/60537-tutorial-simple-interaction-with-objects-and-npcs/ ^ These should get you started pretty well.
  16. Hadn't realized this... I apologize; was not aware
  17. he wants my runescape username and password! stop him please!! That's exactly what the google bot would WANT US TO THINK! hes already hacking our accounts! someone stop it! Another has been infiltrated!
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